Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Emperor Schorl is Fearless in DEATH BATTLE!


Emperor Schorl, Lord of the Rats

In Our Shadow was created by Kitfox Crimson, it can be read on DeviantArt and Webtoon

Welcome back to the blog! Things are gonna be a bit different for this one, as this is the first time I'm covering a character with an entire army to command! Thus, this will be structured differently compared to previous blogs. I also wanted to give a big thanks to Kitfox Crimson and the In Our Shadows Discord community for answering my questions regarding Emperor Schorl and the webcomic! Even after all of the webcomics I have read, I still doubt my own reading comprehension and media literacy, so I'm thankful they were able to clear things up. My research will also take into account its sequel and the lore compendium. Without further ado, let's get started with another villain blog!


"I can't remember faces, I can't remember names… But ah, what the hell, you know it's just as well, 'coz after a while and a thousand miles… it all becomes the same."

It's safe to assume that humans will not stand the tests of time. Between growing tensions between nations, pollution and global warming, and the rise of dystopian technology, the downfall of the human race is likely going to be its own fault. Even after the world was revolutionized with astonishing technology straight out of science fiction, 50,000 years from now, they will only relics of a long-lost society.

Despite the mysterious eradication of the humans, the animals prevailed. In response to the futuristic artifacts left by humanity, many species with grasping appendages evolved to become more humanoid. Kangaroos, raccoons, squirrels, and all sorts of other species started developing their own cultures and customs—and given the advanced machinery left behind by humans, their tech quickly progressed too. Humans had become nothing but mythology to these critters.

Out of all evolved species on Earth, one proved to be the most fearsome and dangerous of all: the rats. Ironically, they are deathly afraid of other races. They're small, weak, and have low life expectancies, so it's in their nature to assume everything is out to get them. The rats took this mindset to an extreme by declaring war the planet to enslave all races. They proved to be surprisingly formidable with their huge numbers, but it was clear they didn't have the firepower to accomplish their goals. That is, until one rat soldier uncovered a piece of lost history that would change the trajectory of rat history forever.

Nehr was a demolitions expert and proud member of the rat army. While he and his bodyguard Lehna were investigating raccoon territory to locate their underground military facility. What they discovered instead were ancient human ruins. There, Nehr discovered a damaged, but functional human invention known as the Neural Flare. Animals use a small portion of their brain at a time; this artifact emits a type of energy that ignites all synapses in brain. They would be gifted with immense sensory and cognitive power, overwriting the user's brain with vast information, capable of universal knowledge after only minutes of contemplation. And that is just what happened to this rat.

Nehr's mind was erased and replaced with pure unreasoning knowledge. With a newly extended lifespan and temporary control over technology, he instantly turned the war against the raccoons in the rats' favor. His otherworldly accomplishments and powers resulted in Nehr being viewed as a godlike figure among rats, and he quickly rose to power. In a few days, he'd lost his boundless knowledge and more absurd abilities, but he'd already given the rats the schematics to recreate his weapons of mass destruction and put an end to the wars.

Although he had forgotten everything about his past, Lehna was able to re-educate Nehr and remained completely loyal to him. For a while, everything was great. The rats were the most industrial race to ever exist, completely unstoppable as Nehr and Lehna watched over their new empire. However, things started to take a turn for the worse once Nehr outlived Lehna. Her death devastated him to the point that he became terribly afraid of death. Not only did he artificially improve his immortality, but he also forced every subsequent rat to be named after minerals, as rocks do not die. This led to the birth of his new identity Emperor Schorl.

Despite living six time his lifespan and his terrifying grip on the world, nothing really mattered to him after Lehna's death. He remembered more about his time with her more than any of the subsequent generations combined, often mistaking his subordinates for their ancestors who previously worked for him. His forgetfulness and his growing eccentricities gave the impression he was off his rocker. And he was! Despite that, Schorl remained more than qualified to be called emperor. He had the charisma to rally millions, the mind of a genius, and the ferocity to lay his foes to waste.

Eventually, he did start to go off the deep end. Not only did he order the genocide of the lemurs for possessing weapons greater than his own, but he also made risky decisions that wound up endangering his own subjects. His closest allies had discovered he was brainwashing his own people to ensure their fearful nature remained heightened. His lead scientist Amethyst would betray him, joining a growing marsupial resistance that sought to claim a fully functioning Neural Flare Schorl had hidden on the moon. Even his advisors Quartz and Clover had been scheming behind his back.

Although Schorl was manipulative, his foes were crafty too. They were able to activate the Neural Flare even the playing field. While their new mechs posed a threat to the empire, Schorl truly met his match when going head to head against the leader of the rebels. Brianna, a highly manipulative numbat, tried to persuade Schorl she was forced to follow Amethyst's orders and wasn't loyal or empathetic to any of the races. While they did have a vigorous mental gambit, Brianna gradually earned his trust. Brianna intrigued him to no end, as he couldn't get a great read on her, and she had far more unique experiences in the past month than a rat ever had in their entire lifetime. With how clever she was, he found a fellow intellectual to confide in.

Schorl deeply opened up to her about his past, his suspicions of her and his subordinates, and his personal views on the civilization he built up. He cultivated this empire himself and watched it evolve over time to the point where he no longer needed to manage it. Even if it were destroyed, the rats would simply be able to build it right back up in a few months. Simply put, the rat race had reached a plateau. They worked in the name of progress, yet Schorl knew it had become a repetitive cycle of reinvention and refinement. Nothing new resulted form it. The only thing keeping him going was his fear of death and his vow to carry on Lehna's legacy; and yet he was bored of life and his tiresome existence. Brianna tried convincing him to find ways to make his life less stagnant, yet he was too scared to put his body in harm's way.

Although the rebels' Flare user was assassinated and Schorl had announced another genocide against the kangaroos, Brianna had hope her allies would prevail. They proved her right, beating the insurmountable odds against them as they put Schrol's army on the backfoot. That was a first for the mad tyrant, and was far more exhilarating than infuriating. As the resistance closed in on his territory and loss was in his sight, Brianna swayed him to overload his base's pylons with energy to explode his foes and his empire he grew to despise. He'd be killing two birds with one stone and have the opportunity to start anew. He approved of the idea and went to the pylon to activate it himself.

By the time he'd entered the pylon, Brianna had him wrapped in her claws. The only way to destroy the pylons would be to overload them with energy. One of the survivors of his genocide against the lemurs would stall him to keep him from fleeing. She kept him busy by turning his technology against him, up until his lower half was vaporized in the pylon's explosion.

In his last moments, he came to the realization that living for 46 years as a rat was too long.

With Schorl's empire in shambles, the future was uncertain, especially with the shocking return of the human race. Hopefully these animals would have proved their worth in the absence of humans. As years went by lots of progress was made to undo the damage caused by the rat ruler. Now, it seems like there's finally peace to be had……

Except, that wasn't the end for Emperor Schorl.

Not only is there a possum named Tourmaline carrying on his legacy in trying to instill peace through dictatorship once more, but if she is to be believed, Schorl is still alive. According to her, he rescued her when she was only a child, fully regenerated from his bisection. He was biding his time for someone new to take up the mantle where he left off, and attempted to use a Neural Flare on her. Now that the humans are back and has been exposed to their exploitation of the animals there, he is convinced that human arrogance is the root of all evil, and seeks to destroy it through his new protégé.

Schorl's whereabouts are now unknown, if this information is even true. Regardless, it will take more than the destruction of his empire to scrub out the mark Schorl left on Earth.

Before I move on…

Beyond the unique structure for this army-centric blog, there is another major topic I want to address. Emperor Schorl is the first character I have ever researched that has major blatantly nonstandard abilities. Even though he was able to completely manipulate technology at a large scale, create an army of mechas out of nanomachines, and make his body cybernetic, all of these crazy abilities were thanks to the Damaged Flare's temporary effects. Some of his abilities I will cover have remained, but after a few days, he lost access to all of his craziest stuff. Thus, these will not be covered in any following sections.

Experience, Skill, and Intelligence

Rats have fought for thousands of years to ensure their own safety. When Schorl got his claws on the Damaged Flare, that was a game changer for the rats as a species. Although the Damaged fFare's knowledge boost was only temporary, giving him a measly 10% of what a fully functional one would give provided him the means to completely boost the rats' empire into an unstoppable force. Since he became emperor, the rats have never faced a serious military loss up until his death.

Schorl has lived the longest out of any rat, and hasn't put those years to waste. While his fear signal was able to keep his empire subservient to him for over 40 years, he's still an accomplished leader and excellent strategist. He's exceptionally charismatic and has the military experience to turn the tides during war. Although he isn't able to manipulate tech like he used to, he still has genius-level intelligence and is capable of personally building incredibly advanced inventions… just barring stuff like the original stryder units. That knowledge is lost on him.

It's easy to assume he's gullible thanks to his insanity, but Schorl is startlingly cunning. Even though he's foolish and forgetful, he is well aware of how others perceive him. Others have tried to deceive him in the past like both of his advisors, he was able to catch on to their schemes really quickly. He may not be a mind reader like them, but he has an unusually great read on people. If he just plays up his quirkiness just a bit, those trying to manipulate him are none the wiser he's already two steps ahead of them. Even when paired against Brianna, a master at deception and strategy, he became suspicious of her phony acting pretty quickly. While she did eventually win his trust, leading to his downfall, the process took longer than the time Brianna manipulated Amethyst into becoming her right hand.


Power Suit

Cyborg Body

One of the main reasons he has lived for so long is almost all of his body has been made synthetic. Even the cells in his body have been replaced with artificial ones, which are carbon fibre-based compounds. This new body has also granted him inhuman physical capabilities, like immense strength and mobility. His eyes are also now cybernetic, as shown by their glowing blue hue. They include hyper-spectral imagining systems that boosts his sight to the point where he can easily infer if a realistic hologram is fake or not.

Diffusor Pistol

To give the short answer, diffusors are lasers. To break it down, they're described as energy weapons that fire beams of near-lightspeed subatomic particles. This laser can easily melt through solid metal, or just about anything really! I confirmed with Kitfox that they have durability negating qualities.

Soul Crown

Dubbed the Soul Crown, this headset is a broken control band specifically made to control mechs the humans piloted with their minds. More on the mech itself in just a bit, but the Soul Crown is also capable of creating energy shields capable of protecting the area surrounding himself and the machine from insurmountable destruction.

Unfortunately, this headset has a limited shelf life as shown by the three crystals known as Soul Crystals. These gems are responsible for the link between Schorl's mind and his mech that I'll also elaborate on soon. Once all three break, so does the Soul Crown. Upon Emperor Schorl's introduction in the webcomic, there is only one crystal left, and it breaks when he shields himself and the mech from a massive explosion.

Human Machine

A rat's main weapon is their stryder, a giant mecha that is piloted by a rat's mind. Schorl's stryder is one he keeps under wraps as a last resort, having disguised it as his own throne. His is different from the others in his empire, as it's a deteriorated 90 ft tall mech created by the humans in ancient times.

He unearthed it along with the Damaged Flare. Since the day he took down the raccoons, he hasn't been seen piloting it, and it wound up getting demolished when he shot at the moon. It's unknown if he would still be able to control it anyway, as Human Machines cannot be piloted by animals with digitigrade legs.

While it is only able to be piloted by wearing a Soul Crown, the real secret to piloting this mecha is within the soul crystals. To paraphrase the author, soul crystals use the computational power of the brain to bring in limitless power from another dimension, taking appearance of the user's form as a being made of soul energy. Soul energy is extra-dimensional in nature, resulting from the collision between two universes. This soul energy being is visible from underneath the deteriorated parts of Schorl's mecha.

Beyond just being a physical powerhouse, a human machine is capable of the following:

Mk 1 Control Device

Around Schorl's neck is a control device used to operate the Mk 1 stryders. More on those later, as he bestows it to his advisors

Command Interface

This hologram interface only effects the energy production of the pylons under the Twilight Shroud



Rat Soldiers

A rat foot soldier is often seen in one of these robotic suits, which boosts their height to that of the average human. A typical rat soldier is armed with a diffusor rifle or pistol and a diffusor blade. Under the armor, the rats wear the same power suit Schorl has.

Lab Rats

There are a subspecies of rats called lab rats. Easily recognizable by their white fur and red eyes, they're known as lab rats because they descend from test subjects that were experimented on by humans. From these experiments, they gained mind reading powers. They were the race of rats that used to be in charge before Schorl found the Neural Flare. Now, they're members of Schorl's army like any other rat, both on foot and piloting stryders.

To elaborate on their mind reading abilities, they're able to read electrical signals of others' brains and recognize thought patterns in specific animals. It does have some limitations, as it's hard to read the minds of bloodlusted opponents, nor can they infer the lingo of the lemurs. Most importantly, they cannot read the minds of humans, as no race communicates like humans. Since they descend from heavily experimented on rats, they have developed an immunity to radiation.



Even though most animals that populate are anthropomorphic, they still age like their feral counterparts. Rats typically have a short lifespan, as domesticated rats are expected to live around 8 years. Having gained the effects of the Neural Flare, Emperor Schorl was able to live for 46 years. Not only is his aging dramatically slowed, but his regenerative cyborg body helps maintain his long-lived status. By all means he is functionally immortal.

Enhanced Strength

Not only is Schorl the smartest rat, but also the strongest. The Damaged Flare altered his body to peak condition, making him much stronger than the average rat. He's able to swipe through metal walls like butter and crush heads like grapes.

Rock Manipulation

All rats are named after minerals, except his mercenary-turned advisor Clover. In order to better recall her name, he engineered an entirely new type of rock named after her off-screen


In combat, Emperor Schorl's strikes are precise and deliberate and his movements are shockingly agile. Even if his opponent has the height advantage over him, he knows how to break them down bit by bit. He also has a tendency to aim for the head first, as that's incredibly vulnerable.

Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2)

Thanks to his cybernetic body, he doesn't need to breathe or eat. Although he cannot be forcibly put to sleep, he does need to do an activity akin to sleep, similar to calibrating and parsing information.

Enhanced Speed

He's nimble and quick on his own, but when his clunky power suit is off, that's when he becomes a true speed demon.



Mk 2 Stryders

Rat stryders, or simply stryders, are the rats' primary combat mechas used in battle. They're deadly machines that are 15 meters tall and mainly comprised of carbon fibre. Even employing two or three in a raid is enough to completely overwhelm cities that aren't prepared. Even if they're defeated in combat, Schorl has hundreds of thousands, nay, MILLIONS of stryders at his disposal. At the height of his empire, there was said to be 300 million in simultaneous operation. While Mk 2s are the most common combat units, there is a utility variant mostly used for construction. To illustrate how dangerous these mechs are, let me break down the average combat stryder's arsenal and capabilities.

Weapons & Offensive Abilities

Other Features

Mk 3 Stryders

Otherwise known as carrier units, the Mk 3 stryders are larger and stronger versions of the previous model. To compare the difference in size, a human machine is around the same size as this 45 meter tall monstrosity's cockpit. Beyond being able to transport Mk 2s inside it, it has the same functions as a standard Mk 2. Aside from lacking the Mk 2's weaponry like gravity bombs and EMP pulses, the only other major difference is its destructive potential. Armed with class 8 diffusors, these versions are specifically designed for continental levels of annihilation. If Mk 3s work together, they can raze entire countries in one sweep.

Giga Class Stryders

You thought regular stryders were terrifying? Wait until you see these giga stryders. These freaks are 205 METERS TALL. They're so huge that a Mk 2 stryder is as big as a giga's EYEBALL. And they have six eyes! Schorl only commands a handful of these in comparison to the stryder fleet, as these are especially powerful. They have all the traits of the Mk 3s on steroids. They have 10,856 class 2 diffusors all over their bodies, two class 8 diffusors, and are  armed with class 12 diffusor lasers, which are so strong they can overpower kangaroo stryder shields, which are able to absorb and fire back energy. Their diffusors are even deadlier if they are hooked up to a pylon. Beams of that caliber can easily wipe out entire cities, and even blow a hole through the moon!

Mk 1 Stryders

Schorl reserved his earliest stryder units in his base. While the current models are objectively better, they’re vastly faster and stronger than the modern ones thanks to using the same soul technology as the human machines. Their blades are also detachable and can be shot at targets. Besides not being as polished, a big downside is that it requires Schorl’s old controller to pilot it. If the mech takes any serious damage, the pain can be felt through the pilot's neural system. For one reason or another, as parts of the mech are destroyed, they reveal an extradimensional projection of the pilot's soul.


The Megawarrens

The Megawarrens are essentially the advanced rat civilizations Emperor Schorl rules over, created by his own nanotechnology and powered by many pylons across the eastern hemisphere (more on those later). The Megawarrens are home to millions of rats and brainwashed complacent non-rats, innumerable compact cities, and all the stryders and soldiers he could ever ask for. Schorl operates in the rat capital located in France. Even if he's on the opposite side of the globe, he's able to command his forces from there and land devastating attacks. While the capital is certainly in threat of destruction, Schorl is unfazed by the potential losses, as the cities will return how they used to be in a month thanks to their self-replicating factories.

Flying Rat Base

Behind this giga stryder is a flying military fortress where stryders of all sizes can dock in and exit from. Amethyst once operated one of these bases prior to her betrayal… and its explosion. Despite its size, it's perfectly capable of moving at fast speeds to dodge incoming attacks. The gigantic structure has its own destructive weaponry in the form of proto-singularities. These are described by the author as gravity fields that sucks in, distorts, and compresses everything within a mile's radius, sort of like a black hole.

The Twilight Shroud

The Twilight Shroud is a solar energy-collecting dome created by the apes long ago, which covers the Earth's northern hemisphere. Emperor Schorl has since repurposed it as the main power source that runs the rat civilization. There is an energy forcefield surrounding the Shroud, making it so that nothing is able to enter or destroy it. When the humans tried to break apart the rebuilt Twilight Shroud, the only way they could damage it was by sending parts of it into another dimension. Even then it was able to quickly rebuild itself!

Connected to the Shroud are gigantic pylons that siphon power into various parts under the Twilight Shroud. The central pylon in particular is responsible for 80% of the energy that powers the rats. Although their regenerative nanomachines are no longer active, the pylons are still incredibly tough. Even a giga stryder exploding against it isn't enough to damage it. They're only able to be destroyed by being overloaded with energy. It should also be noted that at the top of each pylon, there are energy adapters capable of running an entire simulated universe.

There is another purpose for the Twilight Shroud, which is broadcasting two types of brainwashing signals that affect anyone under the shroud. One is a submission signal that keeps non-rat species from fighting back. The other is a top secret fear signal that enhances the natural caution of the rats. While it does maintain their warped fear-driven mindset and help them remain loyal, the true purpose is to keep rats from going to the moon and uncovering the in tact Neural Flare. As mentioned earlier, Schorl isn't affected by the fear signal.

Moon Base

Emperor Schorl is so protective of his undamaged Neural Flare that he keeps it hidden in a base located on the moon. It's unlikely any race will ever manage to make it there, especially with the Twilight Shroud signals in place. In case one were to make it to the moon, they would have to be prepared to not get shot down by laser turrets positioned all around the base.


Quartz & Clover

Quartz (or Halite, prior to his faked death) and Clover are Emperor Schorl's advisors who conspire against him, yet fight by his side throughout all their time working for him, even during the final fight. Both are lab rats that have the privilege of piloting Schorl's Mk 1 stryders. The only differences in their fighting styles are their weapons. While both carry laser guns, Quartz packs some serious explosives that he can detonate with his gauntlet's hologram.





  • Oversees an empire of 100 billion rats
  • Has lived longer than any other rat, having an altered lifespan, 46 years compared to 9
  • Committed genocide against the lemurs of Madagascar, wiping out the entire country
  • Killed 500,000 rats in an attempt to shoot Brianna and her gang on the moon, then killed another 2 million in another attempt as the pylon exploded
  • Said explosion also successfully hid his involvement in creating the second signal by causing chaos between the rats and non-rats
  • Responsible for the death of the apes
  • Defeated the raccoon’s army when he first activated the Flare, turning the rats’ global conquest in their favor
  • If Tourmaline is to be believed, Schorl tricked everyone into believing he was still dead, and is responsible for Tourmaline's rise to power

Emperor Schorl & Human Machine Feats




Army Feats





  • Totally self-absorbed. The only thing he cares about is his own self-preservation
  • Over time his sanity has been deteriorating
  • He's terrified by sickness and death
  • Despite how he totes about the power of the rats, he cares little for the safety of his own masses. He’s perfectly fine with wiping out or brainwashing millions of his own people if he’s able to accomplish his own goals
  • He can be overwhelmed when dealing with multiple threats at once. I don’t mean like opponents in direct combat, more so entire enemy forces. Juggling dealing with the marsupials of Australia AND the lemurs of Madagascar causes a lot of anxiety
  • Schorl’s rat suit has a gravity pack installed in the back that lets him carry his heavy metal self around. If his opponent is able to turn it off, his body becomes too heavy for him to move. Then again, he can ditch the suit in favor of fighting in his cyborg body
  • If Tourmaline's story about Schorl is true, his artificial cells are too old to regenerate as quickly as they used to - to the point where he's unable to regenerate his lower half again once he uses his cells to power a Neural Flare

Matchup Potential

While having an opponent that can fight Schorl one-on-one would be really cool, the main highlight is absolutely the army fight potential. Finding an opponent that can match his stryder armada while tying into his overall story of an oppressive and kooky dictator jaded by his own immortality would be ideal.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

Natani is a One of a Kind DEATH BATTLE Combatant!

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