Sunday, November 19, 2023

Amon Relishes in DEATH BATTLE!


Amon, the Godslaying Mollusk Knight

Amunito was created by Hambonous it can be read on Tapas, Newgrounds, and Tumblr

Welcome back to the blog! It's been a while since I've taken the risk of researching a blog lacking in content. Last time I did that was with Nog from Just a Goblin when it only had fifteen episodes. However, that was a Webtoon Original, which have a set release schedule and are unlikely to cancel. When it comes to more independent series, there's no telling when content will release and how long the series will continue before it gets cancelled, put on an indefinite hiatus, or stops updating without warning or reason. Amunito has a full volume finished, but the story is only starting to unfold. Even so, I reeeeeally wanted to talk about this series. It's one of my favorites I discovered this year and I hope this blog will bring more attention to it. Lemme show you why.


"All of these fools, crying for something that's already dead… disgusting."

The sun beats down on two guards protecting a bridge to the city of Egonia. Peaceful as the weather may be, their tranquility doesn't last long. Out of nowhere, a large creature barrels its way towards the guards before crashing in front of them, dead. As it lays flat on its side, the guards realize the creature is an ocean mollusk. Its appearance here is surprising since the last ocean dried up completely a few months ago. This animal could have been the last of its kind, having lived off of ponds or streams up to this point. As they ponder about the situation, the corpse starts to swell before they're drenched in an explosion of gooey flesh.

Out of the cadaver rises a knight with a mollusk-like helmet, who inquires if this is the path towards Egonia. One of the guards confirms it and lets them pass through. As the other guard chokes him out for letting a trespasser go through, they explain that whoever crawled out of that corpse felt like an intimidating beast. If they did anything to stop them, they'd die where they stood. That sentiment couldn't have been any more accurate, as they just let a complete monster into the city. This is Amon, a knight on a mission to kill the godlike Seven Sages.

To preface, every living being depends on a constant flow of energy to thrive. Since the beginning of time, the energy comes from a source called The Chalice. Long ago it was abundant with power, but as time passed, people realized they could bend energy from the Chalice Plants to their own will, resulting in the birth of magic. After this information was discovered, many sought to absorb as much energy as they could. However, the very Seven Sages that were tasked with protecting it were blinded by power and drank from it, becoming gods. Thanks to them, the Chalice is nearly completely empty, which has resulted in the world progressively shriveling up and dying.

One of the sages Toro realized what they were doing was wrong, deciding to reclaim the stolen energy and return it to the Chalice. However, he had no means of taking on the remaining six sages due to being shackled to a floating temple, literally holding the world together by its center. All he could do was send heroes to take on this mission in his place. However, each one would perish once they reached Egonia, home of the first sage Ego. After so many losses, Toro needed to change his strategy. Instead of making a hero his champion, he needed a villain. Someone so irredeemably vile, despicable, and totally apathetic towards all life that they'd use any immoral or underhanded tactics to seize victory. That's when he elected Amon as his newest herald, causing the wheels of fate to turn once more. With only three months left until no magic remains in the world, Amon sets off on their mission.

When they reach Egonia, Amon meets a nice yet naive kappa named Kabo, who agrees to lead them to Ego's castle. There they meet its ruler, the flamboyant and self-obsessed Ego. After a demonstration of his overwhelming strength, Kabo decides they need to get the hell out of here. However, Amon requires them in order to defeat Ego. Despite wanting nothing to do with the knight, the kappa agrees to their plan of sneaking into his mirror-filled castle with Amon's knife to smash open a mirror to strip him of his immortality.

Amon and Ego's fight is drawn out and intense, but it goes on long enough for Kabo to find the right mirror and break it. Amon does win in the end, but Ego has one last trick up his sleeve. Egonia itself is a part of his very essence, and if he dies, so does the city. Left too injured to leave by their fight, they rely on the kappa once more to lead them out of the crumbling city.

Once they make it back to Toro, the sage sees a spark in Kabo, as if fate has great plans for them as well. However, Kabo nearly loses themselves after learning they're an accomplice to the destruction of Egonia. As they argue with Amon, Kabo has enough of their squabbles and instantly vaporizes and reforms both to grab their attention. Toro requires that Kabo join them on their mission, but in order to make them cooperative, he alters their memory to make them believe they stopped Ego without the loss of thousands of innocent lives. He forces Amon to vow to never speak the truth, or the spell will be broken. Amon was planning on eating Kabo as a snack on the road, but so long as Toro helps them achieve their goals, they'll begrudgingly agree.

After the two regain their bodies and Kabo is filled in on the lore, they become Amon's partner in crime to slay the remaining sages and return their stolen energy back to the Chalice.

One down, five remain.



Usago is essentially a living backpack that absorbs magical items to store them and amplify them.


He stores multiple daggers inside their usago. You can tell it's magic because of the weird gooey effects on the white parts of it.

Omnibus Scroll

A piece of paper that lets him perform a powerful spell called Omnibus. I'll elaborate on that later.

Protective Talismans

You know Amon is a sneaky underhanded bastard when he uses stuff like these. They hide protective talismans under their clothing to minimize magical and physical damage their body receives.

Mollusk Knight Body

You see that purple thing? THAT'S Amon. The knight is basically a lifeless flesh puppet they control from within the helmet like a parasite. They don't feel pain so long as their head isn't targeted, but their body can become wounded enough that it's rendered useless.

Storage Bubble

Amon's miscellaneous non-magical items are stored in this little bubble. This storage unit shrinks objects and places them inside it. It runs on magic, and since the amount of it in the world is steadily decreasing, it's on the verge of bursting. Thus, Amon makes Kabo their de facto storage replacement with their bottomless belly.



Amon is an impeccably skilled mage with all sorts of tricky spells under their sleeves. I'll dissect each more once I reach the techniques section.


Corpse Possession

Amon is able to take control of any dead body they enter



Saranir is a spell that conjures a shield and wings with red eyes peppered around them. These eyes are able to show Amon the near future, allowing them to predict and sidestep attacks. The eyes also see through illusions.


Amon forms a ball of electricity, which they hurl at their opponent. Like Saranir, floating eye-like appendages appear behind them and their helmet and shoulder pads are decorated with strips.

Armanos Spinas

This spell creates a spiky sea urchin-like armor around Amon to block attacks. Amon's helmet and shoulder pads become spikier


Performing this spell requires a scroll with the insignia of it. When activated, it triggers a trippy transformation sequence before the area is encased inside a giant dome. The inside is an ancient arena filled with massive crusty statues. The spell won't dissipate until one of them is slain in combat. While the dome is made of magic, not even a god can break through it.


Amon shoots out glass shards that form a mirror shield that magically levitates around themselves. They can create two at once and move the mirrors in any direction around themselves


Rapazir conjures a rapier that was forged from a creature that sucks the juices out of its prey. The sword has the same ability, able to drain the essence of their opponent to make the sword stronger. The rapier has a limit to how much essence it can absorb at once. It will melt if the essence is too much.

Rapazir Ratza

The rapier can be upgraded into a more decorated and spiky blade called Rapazir Ratza.



  • Dwelled inside an ocean mollusk for an unknown amount of time before bursting out of it to reach Egonia. That mollusk very well could’ve been the last of its kind
  • Fought one on one with the immensely powerful sage Ego. After Kabo stripped him of his immortality, they were able to land the killing blow. None of Toro's champions have come close to accomplishing this in the past





  • Amon cannot reuse their spells once performed. To stock back up on spells, they would need Toro to resupply them
  • The same can be said about their knight body, but with the added caveat that Toro can rejuvenate a body a limited number of times
  • Their true body lies in their carapace helmet, making it their greatest weak point

Matchup Potential

Amon vs Wayne (Amunito vs Hylics)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

I should preface this by saying that Wayne vs Klaymen from Hylics is one of my most wanted matchups all time. It has some of the most creative and trippy animation potential out of any MU I've seen, and I'd love to see a fight that's fully made with stop motion. However, that isn't to say that good alts for characters don't exist, and I'd say this is a really cool alt for Wayne.

The connections are as follows: Mysterious warriors with bizarre magic that originate from visually experimental media. Following the guidance of long-lived beings, they go on an adventure in a surreal world and defeat corrupt leaders. Both are known to be incredibly difficult to permanently put down.

This fight has… very experimental potential. Amon has such a visually distinct and esoteric manner of fighting, and Wayne's attacks are completely avant-garde. Not to mention both series have a really washed out and unique color palette that the fight would look visually stunning on all fronts. That's not even mentioning the fact that this fight could be done in stop motion! Then there's the banter, which would be a really interesting clash in ideals. Wayne's not known for being particularly deep, but fighting someone that's so ruthless and horrible can really make his character shine through satisfying dialog.

What I really wanna see presented in this fight is how both are really difficult to kill. Sure, Amon has a bunch of spells and weapons that can easily slay Wayne with, but he'll simply respawn each time. And no matter what bizarre non-euclidean powers Wayne may use on him, Amon won't stand down and push through their body's injuries. The ending would likely have Amon's body in shambles and unable to fight Wayne anymore… so they flee their body to take control of one of the many Wayne corpses littering the battlefield. The ending could really show the sheer experimental brutality that's present in Amunito as Amon brutalizes Wayne, trying to make him stay dead.

As for who wins, definitely Wayne. At the moment, Amon doesn't have any great means of stopping Wayne's respawns. The best I can think of is Omnibus, which can trap Wayne. However, I'm unsure if it would register Wayne as completely dead if he dies and respawns after the barrier dissipates. Omnibus is magic and it's able contain a god, so there's a chance that it could stop Wayne from returning to the Afterlife. However, nothing like that has ever been confirmed to be a side effect of the spell. Then there's Amon's true form. Even if Amon can really slow down his victory by inhabiting the number of corpses Wayne leaves behind, all it takes is for Wayne to crush Amon's true form and the fight's over. Wayne can react to an attack that's specifically stated to be made of photons, so he's likely fast enough to crush their helmet.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

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