Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy, the Rumrunners of Lackadaisy
Lackadaisy was created by Tracy Butler it can be read on its own website or Webtoon

The year is 1920 in St. Louis, Missouri. National Prohibition on drinking was established, making consuming and selling alcohol illegal. In response to this constitutional law, rising underground groups made bank off of smuggling and selling illegal liquor. Among these groups is the Lackadaisy Crew, which has seen better days.
Lackadaisy used to be a bustling group led by Atlas May. On the surface, he was running the quaint restaurant Little Daisy Café. Underneath the building however is where the true fun was. Under the café were limestone caves that led to the Lackadaisy Speakeasy, a bootlegging bar that was once prosperous and flourishing. It took a nosedive in 1926 when Atlas was murdered and Lackadaisy’s ownership was transferred to his wife Mitzi, whom some suspect to be his murderer. After a year, the group is a shell of its former self, only scraping by with the little help it can get. Thankfully, Mitzi has a trio of rumrunners she can trust to help keep her establishment afloat.
Rocky Rickaby is the screwball brains of the operation. He’s a theatrical and poetic drifter who performs in Lackadaisy’s jazz band when he isn’t doing odd jobs for Mitzi. He may be witless and bothersome, but he’s a dangerous wildcard. No one can tell the inner machinations of his psyche and that makes him a highly unpredictable individual. Hardly anyone tolerates his antics besides surprisingly Mitzi, who seems to enjoy his frivolities during appropriate moments. When he’s teamed up with Calvin or Ivy, he’s usually the one coming up with ridiculous plans that work out for him more often than one would expect.
Then there’s Calvin “Freckle” McMurray, the soft spoken muscle of the group. He’s Rocky’s quiet and anxious cousin who often acts as the voice of reason. He still lives with his mother and has to lie to her about the scummy work he’s been roped into. He may be skittish, but he follows Rocky around like a lost puppy and never leaves his side. Originally, he wanted to be a police officer due to his sense of justice and wanting to help others but was rejected due to his… issue with guns. Still needing a job, he took Rocky up on his offer to join Lackadaisy under the guise of “being a vigilante.” He’s a newer addition to the Lackadaisy crew after he proved that he’s shockingly capable when given a gun. Once he starts shooting and cackles maniacally, it’s like he’s an entirely different cat.
Last but certainly not least, Ivy Pepper is the shrewd smuggler. She’s the smartest and most empathetic out of the three. She’s been involved in Lackadaisy for a while as a cashier and helping manage the cafe front, but now she’s starting to go on missions with the boys. Not only is she a thriving college student, but she was raised by a family of criminals, so she has equal book and street smarts to aid her. She’s a responsible go-getter who makes sure everyone is doing their job well. She is frequently annoyed by Rocky, but she’s taken a great liking to Freckle. In fact, she’s claimed him as her boyfriend (how much of this Freckle reciprocates is unknown).
Together, they make an endearing trio of alcohol thieves! However, their escapades aren’t a walk in the park. They often have to deal with rival gangs who operate on their own agendas. From moonshining pig farmers, to morticians that don’t realize they’re on the same side as the rumrunners, to members of Lackadaisy’s biggest rival: the Marigold Gang.
It’s dangerous and shady work, but you can always count on Rocky, Freckle, and Ivy to get the job done.

Molotov Cocktails



Molotov Cocktails



Tommy Gun


Rocky may have a few screws loose, but he knows how to make people bend to him. Even when his reputation is in shambles, he has such a way with words that can draw people in. He still gets his shit kicked in, but he almost always has the last laugh. He's even tried to manipulate people close to him, like when he tried to sabotage Mitzi and Wick's relationship out of fear of being replaced and tossed aside.


Gun Mastery

Berserk Mode
Stealth Mastery and Agility
Handyman Skills

- Rocky freed himself from having his tie nailed down to train tracks with his arms tied behind his back. He did so by maneuvering his body around to shimmy out of it. He managed to escape just as the train was coming by, blocking him from being shot at by the Pig Farmers
- Ivy knows how to roughen people the right way to get what she wants. Like when she threatened to bend Viktor’s fingers the “wrong way” and forcing the air out of his lungs so he’d listen to her
- Rocky got his revenge against the Pig Farmers that tied him to the train tracks with Freckle’s help by burning down their farm
- Freckle helped drive a car while sitting in the passenger seat
- Ivy was able to convince Bobby and Abelard that they were on the same side as them and didn’t need to resort to violence… by threatening violence with a gun she stole from them
- Rocky and Freckle were able to drive away the Marigold thugs Wes and Fish
- Made a car speed through a house’s wall
- Set a barn on fire by driving a burning truck through it. The barn collapsed, only the infrastructure remains. According to one of the pig farmers, the barn exploded
- Consistently dodges shotgun blasts
- Outran a hearse with Ivy (albeit it was slowed down by wheat fields)
- Was punched in the face
- Rammed into a wall and thrown onto the ground
- Pushed down a flight of stairs
- Punched in the face by Lackadaisy veteran Viktor, who’s strong enough to crack windows just by slamming them shut (even when he's injured)
- Was hit by a hearse, giving him a serious head injury. The car’s movement was slowed down thanks to driving through a field

- He frequently gets on a lot of peoples’ nerves. His allies aren’t excluded.
- Rocky can be preeeetty screwy. As an infamous wild card, he frequently goes off script and does his own thing. That can play out surprisingly well, or disastrous for his pals.
- Rocky isn’t equipped for shooting
- While it’s usually a great thing when Freckle decides to pick up a gun, he can become pretty chaotic and unpredictable. Like Rocky, that’s a double-edged sword
- Once he puts his gun down, he’s back to his skittish self
- Ivy’s convincing skills aren’t always useful in combat scenarios, but she has used them to wiggle her way out of fights before
Matchup Potential
Lackadaisy vs I.M.P. (Lackadaisy vs Helluva Boss)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)
Vibe Check
Freckle vs Moxxie (Lackadaisy vs Helluva Boss)

(thumbnail by SunOreo)

Vibe Check
NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

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