Monday, October 14, 2024

Kit Ballard Pounces Into DEATH BATTLE!


Kit Ballard, the Trouble Breaker

Blade Kitten was created by Space Captain Steve, which can be purchased on the franchise's website

Welcome back to the blog! After practically a year I finally have a new blog post up! It was difficult regaining motivation after Imgur wiped out a lot of the scans from previous blogs, but I think I'm finally ready to start posting again. I guess you could call this a bit of a new era for my blogs. This is a special one, as it's gonna be very experimental. This is the first time I'll ever be extensively covering media outside of a webcomic. Some of you out there may have heard of the video game Blade Kitten, but what's less known is that it originated as a webcomic. As the webcomic and game are part of the same canon, I will cover both series, along with the spinoff comic Dirty Angels. Major shoutout to Robert Lee, who helped research the game side of things while I primarily researched the webcomic.


"So, you want to do this the easy way or the hard way???"

The Korunda System is home to a melting pot of alien life across many planets. Among them was a feline race known as the felion. Their homeworld Midsun was massacred to near-extinction by an ancient alien race called darques. Despite how few remain now, there is one Felion that has made her mark as one of the most vexatious bounty hunters in the Korunda System. That would be the S rank breaker Kit Ballard.

Registered #K559550-BAL, Kit is a 24 year-old breaker (the term commonly used in place of bounty hunter), who fled the ruins of her planet to make a name for herself. Sure, she's often underestimate for her youthful appearance, but there's a reason why she's one of the system's most She's sharp-witted, sharp-tongued, and the only thing sharper than both of those is her signature Darque Blade. She may enjoy teasing her targets, but Kit always makes sure to turn her bounties in alive. With her animal sidekick Skiffy, they travel across worlds to seek out proper bounties. She squared off with the likes of assassins, mercenary police forces, a techno cult, and of course her fellow rival breaker Justice Kreel.

In spite of her accomplishments, she still harbors trauma from the near genocide she survived. With the threat of the darque returning, Kit is driven to ensure no one experiences the same loss she did.

Experience and Intelligence

Kit has years of experience as a breaker, and has faced a variety of powerful foes. She's no stranger to taking on large robots, fearsome monsters, and even entire armies on her own. She used to work with another breaker for many years, but she’s been doing quite well on her own three years after his death. She's not only a skilled swordswoman, but she's also a talented ship and mech pilot.

Despite what one may assume, Kit is both brains and brawn in one feisty package. She has extensive knowledge on weapons, armor, and the materials used to make them. Just with a glance, she can tell what kind of armor someone is wearing and what it's made out of.

That brings me to her observation skills. Kit is shockingly deductive, using her high perception and prior experiences to make sharp conclusions of others. For example, when it was revealed that a thief named Alamo was found posing as a notorious armored criminal—while another Alamo was out and about—Kit quickly figured out that the doppelgänger belonged to a long forgotten robotic race AND her cleverly masked intentions.


Darque Blade

Huge props to Kit's Science Lab for such an in-depth explanation for how her blade works! If you want the short answer, the Darque Blade is a semi-sentient sword that’s as smart as a pitbull. It was previously used by the race named after it, which had massacred the Felions in the past. In the battlefield the Blade Kitten has it set to Free Mode. When activated, it floats around her and automatically slashes. It’s also handy for turning on inaccessible switches! When it's not floating about, it's in its Heel Mode, where it can be used as a handheld sword. In the game, she can buy other types of free blades that have their own stats, along with their own critical moves (later). These extra blades include:


Kit's animal companion. He’s able to assist her as a distraction for her opponent or just being a little scamp and stealing shit. Skiffy is also helpful in deactivating obstructive technology, flying up to pull switches in high places, or even grabbing collectibles in the foreground. He has more finesse that her Darque Blade lacks. There are some occasions where she lets him use her bounties as his toilet

Shock Bug

A gizmo that scrambles the Central Control Line (CCL) of machinery that lets them move, sending torque spasms throughout its frame. Anything that has an Async CCL would resist its effects

The Scarab

An old-fashioned cargo vehicle Kit uses to travel terrain. It has a radar that detects locations and an advanced laser-powered handcuff system for bringing in her bounties.

The V-Dagger and The V-Blade

Both are small blades that are powered by energy. The V-Dagger looks like a conventional futuristic dagger and the V-Blade is held like a Deer Horn knife. When both are activated, they channel energy into a lethal blade shape.

Space Ship

As far as we know, this is the only one of Kit's ships that hasn't been blown to smithereens. Aside from space travel, it lacks known firepower. It does have a rope leading to its entrance for quick getaways and a communications system to talk to allies from a distance.

Mech Suit

A large mech suit I'd reckon is around 30-40 ft tall. It has a giant swords, thrusters that lets it fly, and a scanner HUD that enlarges images. The mecha runs on something called a kineshield, which I'd assume is a defense system that is drained the more damage it takes.

Energy-Based Free Blade

This one is different enough from her assortment of other blades to have its own section. It's basically a lightsaber version of her Darque Blade. With its energy-based blade, it's strong enough to cut through energy constructs.


Kit's swift alien steed capable of ramming through walls with its hard skull


In the menu, she has immediate access to the Weaporium, a shop ran by her money-grubbing pal with a racist voice Hundert Tonne. As long as she has the currency Hex on hand, she can buy food that increase her max HP and stamina, new blades, and costumes


Catlike Agility

I'll get into some specifics in her techniques section, but it's clear that someone as feline as Kit is capable of catlike speed and agility.

Electricity Manipulation

With her Darque Blade, she's able to generate electricity

Surface Scaling

To Kit, climbing is as easy as walking. She can climb up walls and ceilings alike

Shield Generation

In the game, Kit has an infinite block that forms a shield around her when she digs her sword into the ground


Blade Dive

A straightforward dive attack where her sword generates electricity as she thrusts it downward


The brace harsh winds, Kit can pivot her her sword into the ground and hold on tight


Kit can slide to kick her opponent or slip into areas that are hard to reach


She can parry attacks. What else needs to be said?

Double Jump

A standard in platformers, she can jump a second time while in the air

Ground Slam

A satisfying move where Kit drives her blade down to the ground from midair, creating a small shockwave around her


Kit impales her opponent with her floating blade, brings them closer, and slashes them a bunch. She can also use fetch to remove her target's shield.

Critical Moves

When she gets all worked up, Kit can perform a super move known as a critical move. She has a few of these that mainly boil down to flippy dippy and slashes in slow motion. They aren't all that different from each other, but these critical moves include:

  • Flash Blade
  • Kick Spinner
  • Reverse Stabber
  • Double Slice
  • Singularity Crash



  • She turned in the brainwashed thief Alamo posing as the infamous criminal Kagemusha. Although a phony, she still had really impressive tech power battle skin
  • She’s one of the last remaining felion after most of her race was eradicated
  • She fought darque soldiers, the genocidal species that was believed to have been wiped out by the Army of Lithore over 500 years ago
  • She figured out on her own that a twin unit—of a race of robots that hasn’t been heard from in 200 years—was posing as Alamo infiltrating the kingdom after discovering who was inside Kagemusha, and bested said robot in combat, before the decoy was killed by a Gouret assassin
  • She survived a fight against Axael—Kagemusha’s second in command, and two other droid assassins
  • She and her friend Lucy narrowly escaped a surprise attack from a darque ship, that destroyed the spaceship they were working at. Afterwards, she was able to fly her pod to another planet while low on fuel—despite the pod not being made for planetfall
  • She escaped the Magasse Sisterhood, which she frequently stole from. In the game however, she faced monsters and avoided traps to steal a mysterious artifact FOR them
  • After being kidnapped and shipped off, she was able to save herself from the real Alamo, easily able to break out of her bonds, best her in combat, and tie her up in her place
  • Has had frequent run-ins and fights with the class one breaker Justice Kreel
  • She and Justice rescued the princess of Koela and stopped a clone from taking over the kingdom
  • Defeated Terra Li and her mech, leader of the troublesome Norteun Wolves with a bounty of 1 million hex. Winds up rescuing her and joining forces with her when she realizes they both have the same enemy
  • Helped prevent the darques from rising on the planetoid Hollow Wish





  • Although a learned and seasoned breaker, she's prone to being tricked
  • In the game she runs on stamina

Matchup Potential

Kit Ballard vs Maeve (Blade Kitten vs Paladins)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

Funnily enough, I thought of the similarities between them before I knew TV Tropes pointed them out on the Blade Kitten page. The matchup is simple, as both are orphaned pink-haired cat girls with comparatively catty and tomboyish personalities who operate in morally questionable fields (bounty hunting and thieving). However, what makes it stick out to me is that despite how they appear similar, their moralities are pretty different.

Since Maeve's master thief background make her more of an antagonist, the fight writes itself as a hero vs villain matchup. Maeve likely has a bounty on her head that Kit can claim. The fight can start with Maeve stealing Kit's breaker key like in the Blade Kitten game, with the fight adopting a chase dynamic. I could see it taking place in a fantastical town setting, giving the two lots of room to chase each other up buildings and structures with their catlike agility. It could feature a lot of wall-running, climbing, and the characters using the environment to their advantage like bouncing off awnings or pushing food carts (and stealing food too). I also really like the soundtrack potential, as it could combine Paladins' orchestral style and Blade Kitten's rock and synths.

As for who wins, it really depends on how high you scale Maeve to the other champions. Champions like Jenos apparently have star level feats, so Kit would definitely be a goner. I'd say it's safer to lean towards that.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

Sunday, December 24, 2023

DEATH BATTLE Immortalizes Valentine Yu!


Valentine Yu, the Blue Phoenix of Ashbourne Island

Sunset Phoenix was created by NeverDraws, it can be read on Webtoon

Welcome back to the blog! Along with the Coral blog, I had another blog planned that covers a series in its early stages. As Sunset Phoenix is made by the author of another series I really enjoyed called Asterion, I have high hopes for this one. Even though it isn't far in at the moment, I can already tell it's going to surpass my enjoyment of the aforementioned series. I'll be updating this as it goes on, as I do with every other blog. If you'd like to stay updated with the revisions I make, please consider joining the Discord server for my blogs!


"I'm sorry. When I said I'd prevent the Blue Phoenix from coming, I lied. I'm already here."

On the surface, Ashbourne Island seems like the perfect place to travel to for a summer vacation. That's where you're wrong. The island is incredibly dangerous, as it is controlled by five criminal factions that serve their own functions. The Goldenrod Gang is in charge of supplying illegal products, the Sunset Family distributes them locally, and the Midnight Ring smuggles those and other goods off the island. All three pay the cult the Lilac Circle to launder money into legal funds while the Shadow Syndicate uses their blackmail network to keep police off their backs. Although a balanced system and a fair economy, if a Phoenix were to die war would break loose as every group would turn on each other to claim power.

These aren't your typical crime groups, as each one is led by a Phoenix. Phoenixes are immortal people with magic powers and are able to regenerate from all injuries. The only way to truly kill a Phoenix is with a magical weapon called the Phoenix Feather Blade, which all Phoenixes and a select few people in their groups have access to. Each leader is deadly and cunning in their own right, and the newest of them is the Blue Phoenix and leader of the Midnight Ring, Valentine Yu.

Compared to her fellow Phoenixes, Val appears more reckless. She acts casual and informal, she enjoys getting a rise out of people, and she has let herself "die" more times than any Phoenix in the last four years. Don't let your guard down around her, as she's still more than worthy of being called a Phoenix. She's far smarter than she lets on, thinking two steps ahead of those around her. She's an expert smuggler, a thorough and organized leader, and her quick thinking often gets her out of pinches. She's fully aware of the power she wields, and likes teasing others by flaunting it.

Along with her excellent wit she hides a much darker side. She isn't chill and composed because she doesn't take things seriously; it stems from her waiting for the situation to crumble around her. She also deeply values self sacrifice. Going back to when I mentioned she reformed more than the other leaders, it's not just out of carelessness or purposeful tactics, but she's dying so often to prepare for the inevitable time when she has to pass the torch to the next Phoenix… Just like the last one did with her.

Many assume her rise to power was deceitfully carried out, but that's far from the truth. The previous Blue Phoenix Rohan accepted her into the Ring for her spell knowledge, and he treated her like family. When the Midnight Ring celebrated after the end of a war between all factions, the Red Phoenix Sloane attempted to assassinate Rohan. Val whisked him away before she could kill him, but he was critically injured. Val was forced to kill Rohan so the Ring would be kept alive. Otherwise, his immortality would've transferred to someone random. Because Rohan gave up his own life, she believes she has to do the same for hers.

She hasn't gotten over his death, but she's on better terms with Sloane. After all, it's expected for each Phoenix to claw for power at the right moment. The two even had a heart to heart during one of their recent meetings where Sloane gave her the advice that Val won't be the one dealing with consequences after her own death, the Midnight Ring she cherishes will...

And one day after that talk with her, Val discovers her spy Emilia in a boat, bearing a Phoenix Feather Blade, covered in blood as Sloane's beheaded body lays beside her.

All Emilia did was blend into Sloane's ranks prior to this, but she claims she was knocked out and woke up with the corpse in the middle of the ocean. Val actually believes her, thinking that both were set up since the other Phoenixes would likely find out Emilia worked for Valentine. Then the blame for Sloane's death would shift onto her. There's one week left until all Phoenixes meet up, so Val invites Emilia to aid her in searching for the true culprit before time runs out.

Both face many hurdles in their investigation. They have to infiltrate the hideouts of the Yellow and Black Phoenix to fetch clues, defend themselves against Sloane's vengeful second-in-command Catalina, search for the crime scene that was mysteriously stolen, and deal with a mysterious third party doppelgänger of the Yellow Phoenix with their own agenda. Throughout this ordeal, Emilia learns more and more about her mysterious boss. Despite the risky situations Val plunges her into and how reckless she can appear, Emilia really grows to appreciate her and the Midnight Ring. She originally joined the Ring to kill Val, but now they're as thick as thieves.

With only three days left until the meeting, here are the relevant clues the Midnight Ring have uncovered:
  • Sloane has a fake Phoenix Feather Blade on her leg. Her real one is on her chest
  • After Sloane's death, a mysterious person named Al wanted info from certain files owned by the Shadow Syndicate
  • Someone impersonating Sloane texted Catalina that her body would be found at the harbor, which was sent half an hour before the meeting of the Phoenixes

Despite the clues discovered, all possible theories still tie back to Val being the obvious culprit. At least she figured out that the Sloane she spoke with before her body was found was in fact Al, the mysterious shapeshifter and illusive White Phoenix. Their run-ins with Al led to Val getting kidnapped by them, subjecting her to illusions of the night of Rohan's death. Thankfully Emilia came to save her and the two were able to best the shapeshifter. However, Al was not the culprit, only a person close to Sloane. After this revelation, they were slaughtered by the other phoenixes who now know that Sloane is dead.

Despite everything that has transpired, Val can only lie about everything they have tried to clear up to this point. Emilia is now the Sunset Phoenix. 


Phoenix Feather Blade

The only weapon that can kill a Phoenix. It's a blade entirely made out of magic energy that sticks on her back like a tattoo. It’s compared to a black hole because it absorbs all forms of energy: light, heat, and of course magic. It always returns to the same spot on her body when removed. Phoenixes are able to create blades that can be used by other people, like how Emilia woke up with a Feather Blade on her arm. She prefers range and adaptability when she fights, so she prefers to not use her blade often. However, that's more so a front, as using her blade reminds her of her unspeakable actions.


Val has many spells within her gloves, making it highly convenient for her to cast them. Without them, she wouldn't be nearly as ready for combat

Invisibility Sheets

Large sheets she can make with spells with one side that makes whatever it covers completely invisible to the human eye. It's an excellent form of camouflage that she can mass produce, which is great for hiding her smuggling boats

Melee Spell

Val has a melee spell placed on the back of her neck at all times that lets her sprout magic floating shards. She can summon one at a time or form multiple around her arms like wings to swipe at her opponents.


Val owns a lighter imbued with an Electricity to Heat spell. As the name implies, it converts electricity into fire


Immortality (Types 1 and 3)

Time to dive into the specifics of Phoenixes. As the name suggests, all Phoenixes are immortal. Once someone becomes a Phoenix, they gain an infinite magic source that's responsible for everlasting life and youth. Not only that, but Phoenixes are able to survive practically any injury. Decapitation, combustion, being reduced to only a pair of legs, Val's body will simply regenerate afterwards. The only thing capable of killing her as stated before is a Phoenix Feather Blade. Bonus fact: Val's bones, blood, and flesh tissue are blue.

Magic Spells

Magic is only contained in living things, like how electricity is stored in a battery. Magic is useless on its own unless you know how to perform spells. With the right symbols engraved into something, any form of energy can be converted into another easily. Since humans can control the magic output in their bodies, the output of a magic spell can be altered as well. Thanks to her infinite magic source, Val is loaded with spells. Some can be conjured from her fingertips while others need to be engraved on external objects to work. The technique section's gonna be highly populated by the many spells she knows. It should be mentioned that the chief principle behind spellcraft is the conservation of energy. Since energy cannot be created or destroyed, energy entering a spell is always equal to the output.

Regeneration (Mid)

Valentine regenerates skeleton first, her flesh follows suit. It takes at most a minute regardless of what types of injuries she sustains. No Phoenix has “died” as much as Val, which can be seen as unprofessional. However, that actually gives her an edge compared to her fellow Phoenixes. The more damage she takes in a lifetime, the faster she heals. The extent to how much her body can regenerate from non-feather blade injuries is unknown, but her best regeneration feat so far comes from after she exploded. All that was left of her was her legs, and she fully reformed after that.

Immortality and Regeneration Negation

The reason why Phoenix Feather Blades are able to bypass a Phoenix's immortality and regeneration is that it interrupts the flow of their infinite magic. If cut by it, the Phoenix would have to heal from the wound like any normal person.

Strategic Mind and Manipulation

The Blue Phoenix isn't just a title. As the head of a smuggling group and someone who has to watch her back at all times, Val is a strategic mastermind who hides her brilliant mind behind her coy attitude. She thinks two steps ahead of others and evaluates every option in front of her, and when things don't go as planned she adapts to the changes quickly. Sometimes she doesn't even need a plan, she can improvise great ploys on the fly to manipulate peers and foes alike. She can reeeeally get into peoples' heads. She's also very intelligent in general, as some of her spells require her to be exceptional in math in order to get her best use out of them.

Limited Body Manipulation

One time, an enemy of hers tried to kill her quickly by cutting off her arms so she can't perform spells. That's actually not the case. Even if her arms are hacked off, they're still capable of performing spells.

Limited Shapeshifting

In order to prove a theory regarding how the shapeshifter Al can effortlessly turn into anyone they want, Emilia dares Val to try it herself. Given how every light ray bouncing off of someone would have to be accounted for to make a perfect visage, it's very difficult for Val to accurately shapeshift. The least she can do is turn into this cursed monstrosity.


Explosion Spell

A trademark spell of hers. If she wants to take out a whole legion of foes with the flick of her wrist, she can simply conjure a massive explosion. Sure, it'll take time for her to regenerate after the damage is done, but her opponents won't.

Beam Spell

Val fires a concentrated and large beam of magical energy with both hands, disintegrating anything in its path

Kinetic to Heat Spell

A spell that takes time for her to prepare, as she has to trace her finger across all four walls of an enclosed room. When the spell activates, it creates a barrier between her and whatever is on the other side. If someone attempts to pass through, all the energy propelling them forward or pulling them down is converted into heat. Effectively, it slows their velocity to a complete halt until someone else can scratch out the spell

Magic to Kinetic Spell

A spell that slows her fall, letting her land safely

Laser Finger Spell

Val shoots a thin magic laser out of her fingertip, which results in a small explosion. She can also  use this spell to burn magic symbols into surfaces in order to perform certain spells. Kinda like a laser printer!

Combustion Spell

These spells are like mine bombs. Step on the symbol and it'll totally dismantle you.

Wall-Ride Spell

She can engrave a symbol into a vehicle—or anything, honestly—allowing it to move more surfaces than just the ground below.

Magic to Heat Spell

Val can send Magic to Heat spells through her gloves. She can channel puffs of fire or heats up the palms of her hands to the point where she can melt things. As seen here, she is melting the glass of a car window

Light Spell

Val can create a light spell that can encompass an entire room by making markings on the walls. Not only is it blinding, but it proved crucial during her run-in with Al, making it easy for Emilia to look past their illusion arms and spot their real limb that wields a light-absorbing blade.



  • For several years, she has been the leader of the most established smuggling faction, the Midnight Ring
  • Inherited the power from the previous Blue Phoenix, after he urged her to kill him
  • Killed several members of the Sunset Family after regenerating her arms
  • Successfully snatched secret intel from the Goldenrod Gang's hideout
  • Can power a car with her magic
  • Caused a scene at the Shadow Syndicate so Emilia could pass security undetected
  • While Catalina and her gang chased Val and Emilia on a motorcycle, Val burned combustion spells on napkins against her driving spy's rear before tossing them behind her and wrecking one of the cars
  • In the same chase, when their exit was blocked by a truck, Val did spell math in her head to perfectly use her wall-ride spell, allowing Emilia to avoid the truck and escape
  • Toughed it out when Al forced her to relive her memories of Rohan's death in an illusion





  • If parts of her are completely blown apart, she can’t use them until they’re fully regenerated. Take her head for instance, she can’t see or hear if her head exploded. She can still perform spells with hacked off limbs, but not if they're completely disintegrated.
  • Worst case scenario is if she’s blinded and deaf
  • Reckless compared to her fellow phoenixes, has died more often than them in the last four years
  • Without her gloves or the melee spell on her neck, her destructive output would be a lot more situational

Matchup Potential

There aren't many mystery series out there with characters with such dynamic powersets, so Val really sticks out to me for that reason. Not only that, but Val is such a fun and intriguing character that would make for a great analysis. Sunset Phoenix is flashy and stylish and I'd love to see the overall style of her series represented in a fight. I'm curious if there's an opponent out there that's able to match both

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

Kit Ballard Pounces Into DEATH BATTLE!

      Kit Ballard, the Trouble Breaker Blade Kitten was created by Space Captain Steve, which can be purchased on the franchise's websit...