Sunday, November 17, 2024

Is Coyote Too Tricky for DEATH BATTLE?!


Coyote, the Trickster God

Gunnerkrigg Court was created by Tom Siddell, it can be read on its own website

Welcome back to the blog! Time for a big one. Coyote is one of the more recognizable webcomic characters brought up in the VS sphere, in spite of being very obscure. While his feats have been researched in the past, this will be a modern look into scaling Gunnerkrigg Court, including the extra comic COYOTE! and Tom Siddell's own commentary tracks. As is the case for every other blog, this will be updated until the end of GC's run, which is drawing closer. Considering the massive amount of content here, I will be revealing some of the mysteries built up throughout the series, so here's a quick SPOILER WARNING. This one's gonna be a doozy, so strap in as we tackle this wily coyote.


"See the mighty trees, the strong bones of my body! The rustling of the leaves is my laughterThe swaying grass is the hair on my back! The rocks and stonespowerful teeth of mine! My blood, the water coursing through the land! My ever watching eyes, the sun and the moon!"

Welcome to Gunnerkrigg Court, a ludicrously massive institution located somewhere in the United Kingdom. While the Court functions as a boarding school, a lot of it is made up of research facilities and empty industrial buildings. Gunnerkrigg Court is a hot spot for the mysterious and unexplainable. Ghosts, robots, fairies, living shadows, the abnormal is accepted there… but also exploited. For as long as the Court has been around, the humans that run it have sought the knowledge of how magic operates and how they can control it themselves. Their scientific approach brought them into conflict with the magical beings dwelling in the Gillite Wood across the court, as humans attempted to tame them.

Then along came Coyote, who created a cavernous gap between the Court and the forest with the swipe of his claw.

Wait, what coyote? Let's rewind.

This is Coyote. As in THE Coyote present in mythology across many indigenous American cultures. In many cultures he is known as a comedic trickster, in some he is portrayed as a malevolent force, and others view him as a sacred figure with limitless powers. Stories have been told far and wide about this canine deity, and humanity's collective thoughts of him are what brought him into their reality.

Coyote is a balanced mix of all the myths surrounding him. Everything the cackling canine does is for his own amusement. He can instantly flip between playful, to juvenile, to downright terrifying in an instant. While it's easy to pass him off as a nuisance, make no mistake. Coyote is a god with tremendous power and absolutely revels in his strength. He's a flat out narcissist with a loose moral code who uses his reality-bending powers however he wants. Still, he can be genial when he wants to and adores humanity for being responsible for his creation.

In his early life he spent his days terrorizing the American deserts and messing with greater spirits before hearing of dogs across the world capable of amazing feats. In particular, he heard of a fox that was quite the trickster. And so, Coyote made his globetrotting journey to meet his "cousin" Reynardine, along with the recurring victim of the fox's tricks Ysengrin the wolf. The three of them would settle in the Gillite Wood, later becoming its rulers. It was said to be a place of great power and union, but there they discovered the Court's exploits.

Coyote fundamentally changed how the humans approached all things magical, as he was beyond anything they were remotely capable of handling. Although Coyote agreed to leave everyone in the Court alone, and let them build a bridge over the chasm, researching magic with a threatening and loony god on the other side made the job terrifying. Thus, they needed a medium who could reason with the dogs and deal with forest affairs. That task would be given to a woman named Surma, a psychopomp who formed a close relationship with all three canines.

It was during this time that Coyote would start planting the seeds for a grand scheme that would unravel throughout the series. He'd repeatedly entice Renard to have a taste of his powers, each time refusing. By the time Renard had fallen in love with Surma, he caved in to ask Coyote for the power to steal bodies, which he delightfully bestowed—leading him to be captured by the Court. The misanthropic Ysengrin on the other hand desired Coyote's power for himself and was disappointed Coyote never used it to make humans fear him. Coyote thought very little of Ysengrin and didn't find him worthy of such destructive capabilities yet, only giving him the power to control the forest; yet needed Ysengrin loyal and subservient, so he stole the wolf's memories of wanting to use his powers for violence each time he asked.

After a botched attempt to kidnap Renard (now inhabiting a plush body), this would lead to Coyote and Ysengrin having a conference with the Court. There, Coyote would learn that Surma has passed, as her daughter Antimony is a student at the Court now. Annie is the new centerpiece in Coyote's master plan, and coincidentally also considered Renard's new master. As she is cut from the same cloth as Surma, he immediately takes a great liking to her.

As she had proven herself as an exceptional communicator with Coyote, Annie is given permission to make trips to the forest as a medium candidate. Her bond strengthens with the dogs as the rascally Coyote urges Annie to explore her magical abilities she inherited from her mother… and relay stories of his power and cunning of course. While Annie isn't chosen as the Court's official medium, Coyote elects her as the forest's medium to the Court.

Ultimately, Coyote and Ysengrin's training pays off. Annie helps a tormented and dangerous spirit dwelling in the river under the bridge move on. That volatile spirit was the main obstacle keeping the Court unguarded from the forest. Coyote's plan is coming together. Now he is aware the river is unguarded, Coyote lets Ysengrin have his power…… who then viciously devours Coyote. He then turns into a combination of the two named Loup, who bears the worst traits of both dogs.

While Coyote's schemes haven't been fully revealed, a major part of it is for Coyote to experience what it's like to die. Coyote thrives for experiencing new things, whether it be living his life as ant or turning himself into a goose corpse for months. If he knew everything about the world, life would be boring. However, there was one thing Coyote never experienced something every living being goes through, but can never tell of: death. For an immortal god like him, it fascinated him to no end. Thus, he orchestrated his own death at the paws of this new creature.

Despite being considered dead, Coyote never disappeared, inhabiting and occasionally exiting Loup's body. The hotheaded Loup knew that Coyote still had tricks up his sleeves, and requested Annie gather extensions of his body left by Coyote that contain memories, so that he may figure out what the trickster is planning. As Annie collects the items and Loup regains memories, it becomes clear that Coyote intends for Annie to kill Loup, using his own tooth he left her years ago. Loup falls into Coyote's trap to make him devastated enough to crave death by placing him in a situation where he starts to fall in love with Annie while in disguise…

Coyote's plan backfires as Loup falls in love with the wrong person—a "robot" no less. He devours her without question.

At this point in the story, Coyote seeks out the creator of the new humans, locates the wrong person, and causes a massive fucky wucky that creates an uber powerful dome of distorted reality. That dome emits tons of power the Court is trying to sustain so they can complete their ultimate goal of moving to another planet. Now, it's up to Annie and her friends to stop the Court's plans to save their friends.

While it seems like Coyote's plans have gone up in flames, there's no telling what this mischievous god has in store next.

Experience, Skill, and Intelligence

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Coyote has been alive for as long as stories of him have been passed on, and he's spent many years doing whatever the fuck he wants. He's nigh uncontested in Gunnerkrigg Court in terms of raw power. On his way to find Renard, he bested other godly dogs in showings of ferocity and speed. His discordant actions extend beyond the cosmos, as he is responsible for the stars littered across the sky. None have been able to control this ball of chaos, not even the Court itself. Gunnerkrigg Court has attempted to seize Coyote's powers on multiple occasions, every time resulting in complete failure.

While Coyote is long-lived and has the power to learn everything he can about the world in an instant, he chooses to strictly limit his knowledge so he can frequently have new experiences. While Coyote appears unpredictable and scatterbrained, he's proven to be exceedingly crafty. Although he's incapable of lying, he's more than okay with withholding the full truth. When it comes to his schemes, Coyote plays the LONG game. He's spent years stealing Ysengrin's memories and gaslighting him into being subservient under him. He fostered the close relationship between Annie and Ysengrin so that Loup would eventually fall for Annie. He gifted Annie his tooth years before she learned the purpose of it. Even though his random nature occasionally gets the better of him and his plans, he remains a force to be reckoned with.


Coyote's Tooth

Coyote can turn any of his teeth into a godly shortsword. Unsheathed, Coyote claims the chuckling tooth is capable of "cutting the very Earth." While it is incredibly sharp, able to cut through iron girders and steel bearings, it has been shown to have some abstract qualities. When attempting to cut a sentient shadow, it cut his spinal chain that kept him tethered, turning him 3D.

The purpose of Coyote's Tooth is for Annie to use it to truly kill Coyote, Ysengrin, and Loup with it. Thus, it's capable of slaying immortal gods.


Life Manipulation

Coyote was so enamored by humans that he once attempted to create his own race in their image. This resulted in the formation of the shadow people, living shadows with glass eyes born from Coyote's body. He's also capable of creating life from objects, like when he turned rocks into ants.

Power Bestowal

Coyote can give anyone any ability, but it always comes with some kind of drawback. Take Renard’s body stealing. If he leaves a body, the original body he inhabits dies. Or better yet, Ysengrin. Coyote gifted him with a wooden body and power over the entirety of Gillite Wood. However, Ysengrin's original body is weak and withered in its wooden casing. Unlike them, none of Coyote's powers have any drawbacks because he's COYOTE.

Body Control

No character have I ever covered before goes off model as much as Coyote does. The deity has excellent control over his body. He can extend his neck and move it around better than a giraffe can, take his eyeballs out of his head and juggle them, disconnect parts of himself, and plenty more. And that doesn't even go over all the experimental forms his body takes throughout the webcomic!

Size Manipulation

Coyote can control whatever size he is with ease. From as small as an ant to as big as the moon, no realm of scale is beyond Coyote's reach

Etheric Physiology

In Gunnerkrigg Court, Ether applies to multiple things. It is the magic force that makes up the fabric of existence, the unseen metaphysical plane magical beings thrive in, and the afterlife itself. When a creature passes, their soul is guided by a psychopomp to be absorbed into the Ether. There is a natural presence of etheric energies in water. While it takes a lot for humans to harness energies of the ether—and fewer able to even access the world of the Ether—Coyote is a being of the Ether itself, so his brain is completely in tune with it.

So what does harnessing the power of the Ether entail exactly?

Reality Warping

This should come as no surprise. By manipulating the Ether, anything is possible for Coyote. If he thinks of something he wants, he makes it happen. Just by thinking he should be fast, he makes himself insanely fast. While it has taken years for humans to even begin to manipulate the Ether for their own whims, Coyote has always been able to brandish it with ease. It's stated that the Ether is akin to a form of energy that grows stronger when used.

Enhanced Physical Capabilities

Coyote LOVES hearing stories about his feats of power, and I'd say his boasting isn't just for show. He can destroy buildings with ease, move at blinding speeds, and shrug off attacks that would send him into orbit. Even a swipe from afar can raze terrain. As you will see later, Coyote's strength is only the smallest fraction of his whole.

Perspective Manipulation

That's…… that's the moon. He shrunk the fucking moon by plucking it out of the sky. It returned to the sky after Coyote ate it, but now there's a fingerprint where Annie poked it.


While Renard's possessive powers are imperfect, Coyote can control whatever creature he wants just by looking at them.


Coyote can transform his body into whatever the heck he wants. Animals, humans, magical creatures, you name it. His current appearance isn't even what he always looked like. He used to look like a regular coyote before transforming his appearance based on his encounters with other godly dogs. His shapeshifting isn't limited to just living beings. He can even turn himself into rocks, a large cave, an entire river, and even the moon itself. His disguises are so accurate, that he once trickeed himself into believing he was a skelefied goose corpse for 100 days. He's even given transformed parts of himself away, like the goose bone and lake water.


After Renard gave up his original body, Coyote preserved it in perfect condition in case he ever needed it back. The body is still breathing and requires care, it simply lacks the soul to do anything.

Abstract Existence (Type 1)

While Coyote is freely able to mess around in our reality, his true form exists in the Ether itself. It's abstract, mesmerizing, and downright horrifying. Even if one were to harm Coyote in his physical form, that doesn't apply to his body in the Ether. From within the Ether, etheric beings can interact with the living plane like invisible astral projections and sense the life force (or lack thereof) in bodies. Even in his true form, Coyote has uncontested control over the Ether. His bodies can remain active in both worlds simultaneously.

However, there is more to his abstract existence than just existing in the Ether. Coyote's greatest secret is that he "doesn't exist." Coyote, a being of the thoughts of humans, can barely be said to exist at all. His existence is brought upon by the collective creative will of people across the world, as the stories shared of him are absorbed into the Ether. This is in fact a paradox. It’s factual that Coyote is responsible for the stars being in the sky in the verse, but how can that be possible when stars predate humanity? Furthermore, how can that be possible when other mythological beings like him exist, that have performed that same feat? Can something exist before it is created? Regarldess, Coyote exists past contradictions. The Ether is able to manifest peoples' beliefs into reality, even creating beings like Coyote as if they always existed.

Rock Manipulation

According to Tom, the stones of the world are Coyote's teeth, so he's able to manipulate them. Not only can he turn into rock, but he can replace a missing tooth with a pebble, turning it into a replacement tooth.

Dream Manipulation

Coyoteeeeee, you can't just look into someone's dreams >:(

Time Manipulation

Been a while since we've had a character who can really mess with time. Coyote's able to stop time for as long as he wants, and can make whoever he wants active within that stopped time. However, Coyote's time powers are a bit tricker if we take a look at what Loup has shown. Loup can create entire timelines, once causing a shift in the timeline that brought two Annies from separate timelines together.

Going forward, Loup has Coyote's powers, so anything he can do, so can Coyote.

Binding Contracts

Coyote can force binding agreements onto others, forming this band around their wrist. If they break the rule he assigns, their hand will be cut off.

Immortality (Types 1, 5, and 9)

Coyote is an immortal ageless god whose true form exists within the Ether. That explains types 1 and 9, but what about type 5—deathless immortality? Here's where things get complicated.

Coyote "dies" in the webcomic. Big on the quotes, since while he is considered dead, it doesn't feel that way at all. Described as dead and alive at the same timeCoyote continues existing as a flash of a memory unbound by death, still a part of LoupHe still pops in and out of Loup, acts independently of him, and still has his full power.

Star Manipulation

Coyote once created tiny stars in the palm of his hand.

Memory Manipulation

Coyote can extract memories out of his target and consume them, as well as implant new memories. I wonder how they taste…

Soul Manipulation

Coyote can extract a creature's spirit and place it into a spirit totem. He can’t create a new body from nothing, so the Court does that for him.

Mind Reading

First looking into dreams, and now this?! For shame…


Coyote can be in multiple places at once! After leaving America, Coyote left an exact duplicate of himself to continue causing mayhem in his terrain. As Loup, he's been shown to make duplicates of himself, like when he attacked Renard while there was another Loup disguised in a new human body. Loup also made a duplicate of himself through a seed that functioned as an automated message in his image.

Water Walking

Why? Because he is Coyote.


It's something Loup can do, so Coyote can too

Plant Manipulation

Coyote gave Ysengrin the power to control entirety of the Gillite Wood, so he has that power by proxy. 


Loup can create objects out of thin air, like a tiny replica of the Court's shield.

Self-Sustenance (Types 1 and 2)

Not only can he breathe in space, but the author has stated that Coyote lacks any organs, and is therefore beyond the need for their functions.


Loup scaling go brrr

Super Hearing

That's Loup in his new human disguise Jerrek. He has some exceptional hearing.

Fire Manipulation

Loup incinerated Renard's original body until nothing remained. Yikes.

Instant Learning

While Coyote purposefully limits his worldly knowledge, Loup doesn't play by those rules. He can instantly learn everything about whatever he wants to know just by thinking about it.

Super Vision

Loup can see things at the subatomic level and beyond

Location Concealment

Loup can make his location untraceable by even magical means

Invisibility Vision

Even though Coyote seeing through the Ether is likely to throw off any invisible foe by sensing their life force, Coyote's also able to see large concentrations of Ether invisible to the naked eye.


Chaotic Branches

While Ysengrin has power over Gillite Wood, Coyote has his own form of influence on it that's integral in maintaining it. Prior to Coyote's arrival, Gillite Wood was simply a magical forest inhabited by magic creatures. When he entered, he did something to the forest to make it something more than that. He kept the forest running through a series of interconnected systems of chaotic branches constructed in the Ether. It's the forest and Ether integrated in a particular way unique to Coyote. He has integrated himself so finely into the forest that if his influence is suddenly removed, that throws entire forest into disarray. By disarray I'm talking stuff as bizarre as time distortions that feel like minutes when the world has progressed six months.

Cosmology and the Truth of Gunnerkrigg Court

The cosmology of Gunnerkrigg Court is interesting, as only recently has more information on the true nature of the Court been unveiled. While it isn't fully relevant to scaling Coyote, I believe it is important to discuss in case it becomes pertinent later down the line. That being said, biiiiig spoilers.

Although there is no definitive number, multiple dimensions and timelines exist in the verse, some of which have been created by Coyote/Loup himself. There are also worlds beyond the living plane inhabited by psychopomps. I'd be remissed to not mention the Norns, deities who oversee the flow of time who exist in a space where there is no concept of time.

But then there is the Court. While a map of a large portion of the Court exists, it's way bigger than it lets on. It's so unfathomably large, that it extends out into a compressed dimension. The bounds of this dimension are the Star Ocean, the Court's crowning achievement in creating a means of leaving the Court in a semi-metaphorical state to an entirely new planet. The planet itself has zero etheric influence, so both Annie and Coyote would be unable to enter.



  • He’s the reason why the stars are in the sky
  • Plucked the moon from the sky
  • He traveled across the world to reach Gilite Wood
  • On his way there he bested Sarama in speed, Inugami in fierceness, and the Lycaons as a hunter by just thinking of it
  • He bit off Ysengrin’s ear
  • Caused both the separation and the fusion of the court and the woods
  • Gaslit Ysengrin for MANY years
  • Tricked himself into thinking he was a goose corpse, its wife, and the bush and lake the corpse was left in for a hundred days
  • Rescued Annie from a wisp that tricked her into falling for their disguise
  • Destroyed Kat’s time traveling bird model
  • Repeatedly thwarted the court’s attempts to steal his powers
  • Considered a higher power than the Norns





  • For better or worse, Coyote always tells the truth
  • He’s pure chaos through and through. His wily nature can get the better of him at times, like when he was creating his own race of humans, but laughed partway through and accidentally gave them glass eyes
  • Coyote is an egomaniac. He loves hearing stories about how powerful and smart he is, and his ego can certainly blind him at times
  • It seems the only way to truly put him down to absorb him into the Ether. His goal is to be given a true death from a psychopomp. At the end of a being’s life, they are typically escorted into the Ether and becoming one with the fabric of the world. More blatantly, the Court created a location not bound by Ether, which means beings the likes of Coyote cannot enter them. That’s because it uses copious amounts of Ether as a source of power, which would absorb and purge Coyote
  • Coyote has the power to do whatever the fuck he wants, but he limits himself so he can always have new experiences. He could be an all-knowing deity, but that’s something he strictly avoids because that would be so booooriiing

Matchup Potential

Coyote vs Discord (Gunnerkrigg Court vs My Little Pony)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

I'd imagine Coyote could pair well against the usual weirdo reality warper characters. Out of all of them, I'd say Discord meshes the best with him. They're both godly chaotic animalistic tricksters who do all sorts of random stuff for their own amusement, completely hijack whatever scene they're in, and their relationships with Fluttershy and Annie are somewhat comparable (even if Annie is closer to Ysengrin).

Safe to say, the interactions pretty much write themselves in this one. While I don't think the fight is necessary given how Bill vs Discord remains an outstanding episode, I think this fight could explore a more esoteric and mystical route compared to the delightfully insane episode we previously had. Especially factoring the incredibly unique visual potential Coyote could bring to the show.

In terms of who wins, I'm unsure. I don't research MLP, but I wouldn't be surprised if he had a way to deal with Coyote's true form. Still, who's to say he doesn't :0. His paradoxical existence is pretty busted. I'll try and update this section more as I learn more about the debate.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

Natani is a One of a Kind DEATH BATTLE Combatant!

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