Friday, June 30, 2023

Sir Kiljaos Breezes Through DEATH BATTLE


Sir Kiljaos Windmane, the Wind Paladin

Karamador was created by Ilesarki it can be read on DeviantArt, Tapas, Webtoon, and GlobalComix

Welcome back to the blog! Writing the Lackadaisy and Chuck & Clark blogs back-to-back made me realize that doing team blogs is reeeeeally draining. So how about something more straightforward and easier to cover? While one would assume a standard paladin isn't very strong, never underestimate a brave warrior such as Sir Kiljaos. He's much more than meets the eye! I'm here to tell you why.


"May the wind guide our paths to victory over the forces of chaos!"

In a dimension far from our own is the realm of Karamador. It is a world home to many kingdoms, monsters, and all kinds of Renaissance-fantasy galore. Humans and anthropomorphic animals called anhini thrive across the lands. Brave voyagers, meek royalty, and cruel warlords alike reside in this fantastical world. Among the fearsome fighters of Karamador is the humble lion anhini paladin Sir Kiljaos Windmane.

Sir Kiljaos is the ideal chivalrous knight that has won the hearts of many. He is dauntless in the face of danger, he performs good deeds regardless of the occasion, and he's overall a kind and modest gentleman. He's known for his sensible and selfless nature. He values the wellbeing of his faithful horse Stormblåst more than the security of his home, he sympathizes with criminals who steal to provide for their families, and when people in power aren't doing anything to solve problems, Kiljaos will take it upon himself to set things right.

He is a wandering paladin who accepts quests from wherever his travels lead him to, usually throughout his homeland Pahjoland. Lately he's settled in the town of Braheastad, being a standup citizen and supporting the local church. Sir Kiljaos may be a humble small-town knight, but he has much grander origins. He was once a member of the fabled Knight Order of Elementals, fighting alongside other renowned and respected knights. He also had a girlfriend named Anabelle, whom he cherished greatly. Tragedy struck a few years ago when she lost her life to the Insectoid Army when they raided his home village. Blinded by his rage, he went against his orders to stay at his post and charged forth to avenge her murder. He was no match for them, and while he was able to escape with his life, his absence left his fellow paladins in trouble as they struggled to fend off the army. For his rashness, he was exiled from the Order. He learned the hard way to not foolishly charge into the insects' nest again, but he still held a great hatred for their kind since then.

The death of his beloved Anabelle has haunted him for many years, and he still hasn't quite gotten over her demise. However, he has rediscovered love in the form of the foxy pirate captain Zofie. Originally he was opposed to her, believing all pirates to be nothing but scummy criminals. But as he spent more time with her and her crew, the more he came to respect her and admire her for her bravery and exceptional leadership skills. Being with her has challenged his black and white morality, especially when it came to one of her crewmates being an insectoid. Turns out not all of them are murderous fiends deserving of extermination.

The actions of his past may still plague his mind, but he's grown much since then and he's still as chivalrous as he was before. As a paladin, it's his duty to uphold justice and defend those in need. He'll certainly need to be prepared, because unknown to him a malicious alliance is brewing. The the Insectoid Queen and her ravenous hive, the corrupt wolves of Roylendor, and the vampiric overlord Duke Tagriel are all staging a hostile takeover of two kingdoms—including  Pahjoland. No matter, for wherever the wind takes him, Sir Kiljaos will always be prepared to fend off the forces of evil!



Every knight requires shining armor before charging into battle, and Kiljaos is no exception. Like many paladins, he wears a surcoat over it that shows his insignia. The sign on his surcoat represents the directions of the wind. Underneath his heavy armor is chainmail and gamberson covering for extra protection


Worn on many occasions, his helmet is well suited for his feline face. It even sports an openable visor. The helmet is adorned with detachable wings that protect his lion ears.


Sir Kiljaos' noble steed and close friend. His name comes from the langauge used by the vikings of Pohjoland, meaning “stormblown.” A seven year-old horse Kiljaos came in possession of from Anabelle’s family’s stables when he was a squire. Stormblåst has fought for Kiljaos while he isn’t mounted, even rescuing him on some occasions. He's donned with a caparison and armor, and has a saddlebag for containing some of Sir Kiljaos' belongings.


Sirocco is an enchanted bastard sword (who knew that bastard sword was a term used for longswords!) that can cut through noncorporeal beings like spirits.

Retractable Shield

An ancient bracer crafted by the dwarves of the ice lands in ancient times found by Sir Kiljaos on the ocean floor. When he squeezes a retractable trigger, many small plates within the bracer form together into a shield. It was created with magic and mysterious technology. It's able to protect him from dangers like acid.

Magic Cape

His flowing crimson cape is Sir Kiljaos' favorite feature of his knightly uniform. His is no ordinary garb; it can regenerate on its own and adds an extra layer of protection. The cape also adjusts keeps him comfortable in hot and cold environments, altering its temperature when needed.


Gifted to him by Zofie, she compares it to wielding a crossbow, but with greater power and slower loading time

Magic Rope

A magic piece of rope made by the shamans of Pohjoland. It originates from Finnish folklore as the Witch’s Knot, where witches would gift sailors wind wrapped in a knot. The rope contains great amounts of air inside it, and lets out some air when the knot is loosened. If the knot is undone too quickly, it can create a strong hurricane that can be stopped once the knot is tied again. The winds can be unleashed up to five times until it’s unusable. He has a few on hand, often giving them as gifts to sailors and people he's close to.


He owns a few knives he keeps in his saddle bag.


Wind Magic

Surprisingly, Kiljaos' wind manipulation is more practical in nonviolent scenarios. While he is able to knock his enemies away with a strong gust of wind, he mainly uses his powers to guide small objects, particles, and projectiles through the air with great precision and direction. Odd that he doesn’t wield a bow instead, which is more useful for his element.

Night Vision

As a lion, his eyes are well adjusted to darkness

Limited Enhanced Hearing

Being a wind elemental allows him to identify what sources specific winds hail from



His wind powers may be limited in destructive potential, but this is the exception. The roar is Kiljaos’ strongest attack he only uses in the most dire situations. He uses his wind powers to enhance his roar, creating a huge gust of wind to blow them away. It’s powerful enough to break bones and rupture ears


Even a riveting tune like a whistle can be turned into a ravaging wind



  • He fought through the Dungeon of the Dead, fighting off zombies, phantoms, and skeletal knights. He faced hordes of each at once. After all the souls dwelling there were freed, the dungeon collapsed. If it weren’t for his horse, he might not have escaped
  • Sparred with the fox pirate Zak
  • Teamed up with Zofia’s pirate crew to rescue the Fairy of Tasku Island and kill the mage imprisoning it
  • Killed the wight-hags preying on his village
  • Helped a few townsfolk take shelter during a windstorm
  • Protected the mayor of Braheastad from bandits while on their trek to Lapa Village
  • Fought the lich Athor with the cleric San Crossfit, distracted him long enough in combat for the mayor to break his staff, destroying his soul and freeing all the souls he imprisoned
  • By defeating Athor, he helped the troubled soul of a woman named Gunilla reunite with her long lost love, allowing them to rest in peace
  • Survived in the stomach of a massive scaly pike before being accidentally rescued by pirates
  • Survived a fight against Iku Turso, a building-sized sea beast that has existed since the beginning of time. Kiljaos exploited his weakness in his ears to drive him away with the help of Zofia’s crew. After Iku Turso attacked again and much harder than before, they were able to best him again with the aid of the Fairy of Tasku
  • He and San accidentally stumbled upon the Church Grim, a group of undead who congregate for Yule Night’s mass. It’s a rare sight thought to have been a myth
  • Helped the Yule Goat capture Krampus and saved kids from being devoured by him
  • Trained his horse Stormblåst himself
  • Kiljaos is trained in wielding javelins, bows, and crossbows
  • Made it to the semifinals in the Aborku Tournament, winning third place. In his last match, he revealed his opponent to be Zak, having stolen the identity of the knight Sir Madog
  • Held his own against a lindworm with Zak and Ydia
  • Rescued Princess Anima from assassination





  • He lost his standing among the elemental paladins for letting his emotions get he better of him and go after the insect army to get revenge
  • Can act foolhardy at times and occasionally underestimates the situation at hand
  • He’s racist towards insectoids because they're responsible for his love's death. Their queen and knight commander may be evil, but that doesn’t mean the rest of them are. If he sees an insectoid, he’ll immediately assume they have bad intentions and attempt to kill them. Thankfully he befriended the insectoid Xekra that is against the practices of his hive, so he now knows that not all of them are evil
  • As a highly traditional paladin, he can be too uptight about doing the right thing. But as he interacts more with Zofia and her crew, he becomes less untight and starts to learn that things are more than just black and white
  • Kiljaos' wind manipulation can be nullified by magic negation. Thankfully he's a skilled enough knight to not rely on it often

Matchup Potential

Honestly Sir Kiljaos would be quite refreshing to see on Death Battle. Aside from Jonathan Joestar, I can't think of any gentlemanly and gallant characters that have appeared on the show. I'd imagine he'd be a great character to banter with. He also has a particularly unique moveset for someone that's a traditional paladin: namely his horseback combat skills and wind powers. I'd imagine if he were featured in an episode, the fight track could be symphonic metal along the lines of Rhapsody of Fire (one of my favorite bands). I'd also love to see how the animators handle the cloth physics in the fight, as a key component of Sir Kiljaos' fighting style is his flowing cape.

There have been many knights across fiction and Kiljaos certainly falls into the spectrum of chivalrous and noble armored men that have come before. However, there aren't many characters I know that match Kiljaos' empowering background. He lost his love and rank in the same day, yet he keeps his head up to do good in the world in spite of the sorrows that haunt him. Having him fight a warrior that deals with similar grief despite being such an upstanding person could make for a surprisingly emotional fight. The debate potential would be interesting too, as I'd assume most low-scale knights would be blitzed by Kiljaos' surprisingly high stats.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

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