Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Mr. Spender Illuminates DEATH BATTLE!


Mr. Spender, Leader of the Activity Club

Paranatural was created by Zack Morrison, it can be read on Hiveworks

Welcome back to the blog! So far, I like to think I've covered a lot of ground in terms of webcomics. I've discussed a gamer webcomic, a manhwa, story-driven series, webcomics known for their stellar artwork, and even an oddly sexual series. Despite that, most of the series I cover aren't really in the sphere of well known webcomics. Today I've decided to tackle one of the more well known non-webtoon series out there, and it's one I highly recommend. Seeing as this is a long-running series, here's a spoiler warning!


"And that, impressionable youths, is why Manifest Destiny can be conceptualized as a sort of loading bar for the best video game ever, the United States of America."

Do you believe in ghosts? The question of life after death has been a puzzling and fascinating subject dwelled upon for centuries. What if I told you that they're not only real, but everywhere around us? Two types of apparitions exist in this world: ghosts and spirits. Ghosts are beings that used to be alive. Spirits on the other hand are far more common. They are creatures born out of spectral energy—the energy ghosts and spirits are made of—and can interact with any being possessing that energy. The only ones capable of seeing and interacting with these spectral entities are humans known as spectrals.

Since they're able to mingle with the unseen world, spectrals have become aware of menacing spirits that seek to do nothing but cause harm. Thankfully the top secret spectral organization the Paranatural Activity Consortium was created to deal with those exact conundrums. Consortium agents come from all walks of life, serving under their unpredictable and mysterious boss Boss Leader (yes, that's her name). And one such agent happens to be the most badass middle school teacher you'll ever meet.

On the surface, Richard Spender seems like a regular history teacher at Mayview Middle School, albeit a one that tries keep up a cool and mysterious image with an overdramatic flair. But not only is he a valued member of the Consortium, he also runs the Paranatural Activity Club: a student group disguised as a club where he tasks spectral youths to deal with the supernatural ongoings in the town of Mayview.

There is a lot about Mr. Spender that remains a mystery, but inklings of his past have been revealed through backstories and word of mouth. He was born into a rich household, having left his mayor father never respected his existence to pursue intensive spectral training. Richard's been present throughout the whole lives of two of his students Isabel and Ed, yet both hardly know anything about him past his enigmatic shades. He's fallen out of touch with his coworker Mina, likely due to the hiding the truth of how she lost her previous spirit partner. One of his valued mentors happens to be the dead mother of his latest pupil and series protagonist Max, who doesn't know of his mom's spectral history. Richard may have ties to an incident involving unexplained supernatural phenomena that occurred thirteen years ago, as Mr. Spender received his spirit partner Lucifer that long ago. At some point in his life, he and Mina stopped a potentially calamitous event brought upon by the most powerful spirit ever, Fauxbia the Fear Witch.

To his spectral students, he may not seem like the best mentor. He gives longwinded dramatic speeches to teach them mechanics, feeds them prosaic nuggets of advice, and only really gives direct guidance when they're in immediate danger. Not to mention he frequently refuses to work with others and has a habit of withholding information from the Activity Club and Consortium alike. Mr. Spender particularly hides the existence of the Consortium from his pupil Isaac for being a host to a highly dangerous spirit that injured an ex-Activity Club member. Even Boss Leader isn't permitted to see what's in his office, so she asks his newest recruit and series protagonist Max to find out what his teacher's been hiding. His frequent keeping of secrets even leads to Mina sending a spirit to invade his mind to find out thing he's hiding from her.

In spite of his shadiness and lone wolf attitude, he cares immensely for not just his students, but all of Mayview. He shuts people out because he wants to shoulder the burden of dealing with the true menaces that plague his town, and make sure no one he cares about gets hurt. He'd do anything to protect Mayview, going as far as to tell his old master to stop him if his journey takes him down a dark path. He has good intentions, but he fears they may bring out the worst in him. Even his spirit partner expects that Richard doesn't have what it takes to protect his town and will befall to the darkness eventually. Lucifer is the only thing holding back a powerful shadowy spirit Richard is harboring to make sure it doesn't cause endless ruin if released. Regardless, Richard will always put his life on the line to do what's right for his town. However, as his secrets and vulnerabilities start to make themselves apparent, his students' trust slips out of his grasp.

And he has every reason to be worried for Mayview's safety as the series progresses. Enigmatic and dangerous spirits, vampires, and the Witch all start making themselves known with ambiguous and threatening intentions. To top all that, the only means for spectrals to pass through the invisible border surrounding the town as been destroyed, trapping all spectrals, spirits, and potential enemies inside it. It seems the terrible event that happened in the past is going to repeat itself. So who's going to stand up to these villainous paranormal supernatural forces threatening Mayview? Mr. Spender and the Activity Club, of course!



On some occasions, spectrals are able to wield spirit-possessed objects called tools. The weakened spirit inhabiting it forms a symbiotic relationship with the spectral. The sprit feeds off of the user's spectral energy, in turn the user can use the spirit's powers through that object. Mr. Spender's tool is his sunglasses, which houses Lucifer, a posh and cantankerous spirit. Lucifer grants him the power to bend light. I'll go more in depth in this later, but I did wanna point out that Mr. Spender likes to use Lucifer's power to make artificial glints in his sunglasses.


Non-Physical Interaction and Spiritual Awareness

Sorry in advance if I repeat stuff a lot in this section >.< Like all spectrals, Richard can see and touch the normally invisible and non-corporeal ghosts and spirits inhabiting the world. Along with that, he can interact with ghostly materials like ectoplasm.

Spectral Energy

He wields the energy that ghosts and spirits are made of, essentially making him a half spirit. With it, he's able to perceive and interact with the supernatural. His body produces spectral energy, which Lucifer uses as a source to empower and restore himself. All spectrals are also able to channel spectral energy into projectile attacks that can take the shape of things like fists.


I've explained before about the functions of spirit partners in the sunglasses section. Mr. Spender has formed symbiotic relationships with two spirits. I've already mentioned his tool spirit Lucifer, but Mr. Spender actually hosts a more dangerous spirit that he uses Lucifer's power to keep at bay. Mr. Spender is a medium, a person who's become possessed by a spirit and can use their powers. The second spirit he houses is the Shadow, whose powers I will discuss later. Should also note that a spirit partner sees everything its host sees. The spirit also has to match the spectral's spectral energy color in order for them to feed them and use their powers.

Light Manipulation

With Lucifer's powers, he's able to manipulate light. His usage of it is more unorthodox compared to other light manipulators. While he's able to conjure flashes and glows, he mainly sticks to weaponizing solidified light or stealing the light produced from anything to repurpose in combat. For example, he can rob the light produced by a fireball and shoot it back at someone in solid form. Note that because he's a spectral, his light attacks are unable to be perceived or heard by anyone that isn't a spectral, ghost, or spirit. 

Spirit Trance

Anyone that has formed a bond with a spirit can enter a state known as spirit trance. He's rendered in a state of heightened perception to communicate with Lucifer and move around in slowed down time. To a normal person, Richard's actions in his spirit trance would be incredibly fast. Anything that occurs within spirit trance happens in the real world.

Consortium Access

When Richard goes to sleep, he can access the Consortium's base of operations. The Consortium headquarters is a shared dream hub conjured by Boss Leader. He has his own office there, which is to some extend a manifestation of his subconscious mind.

Darkness Manipulation

Mr. Spender draws from the Shadow's power to manipulate darkness and shadows. He can move shadows and apply force through them, harden them to physically use them, or turn them into bottomless pits. While using their abilities too much can potentially release them from his and Lucifer's control, they're exceptionally useful in combat. And if Richard dies, the Shadow will be released and wreak devastation wherever they go.

Weapon Creation

This is a bit different compared to the spectral constructs he makes with Spectral Fist (more on that later). This is a situational ability where he can grab the shadow of anything and manifest it as a weapon. This isn't exclusive to just weapons, of course. For instance, he can pull out his shadow to use it like a shield.

Existence Erasure

When he creates bottomless shadow chasms, whatever is inside it when the shadow fades ceases to be.

Spirit Fusion

Where his sunglasses only let him use a fraction of what Lucifer is capable of, Spirit Fusion allows him to use Lucifer's powers at his fullest potential. Richard can physically and spiritually fuse with Lucifer to takes on a combined form that has a unique appearance with each fusion. His physiology in this state can be described as "wrestling free from the laws of meat and matter and escape into the pure realm of pure, spectral conception." Mr. Spender gains a massive power and speed boost in this state, able to zip around as a beam of light.



Otherwise known as a spectral energy compression burst show, the attack is basically a spectral energy projectile invisible to non-spectrals/poltergeists. Any spectral is capable of shooting them, but it takes a lot of practice and precision to effectively use them in combat.

Spectral Fist

Mr. Spender is a practitioner of the martial arts style Spectral Fist, which integrates spectral energy to create constructs with one's body. He can generate spectral energy from any part of him in any shape he imagines. In terms of Mr. Spender's overall fighting style, he's best at throwing cheap shots when his opponent least expects them, especially ones stronger than him. Like his light and darkness powers, they are completely invisible to non-spectrals.


The easiest way for Mr. Spender to dispose of his hardened light is to dissipate them in a blinding glow.

Spender Slam

No fucking way, it's the Spender Slam. As you can see, he's exclaiming the move name as he slams his opponent onto the ground to pin them down. 



  • On top of being a good history teacher, he has great knowledge of all things spectral and supernatural-related. He's even able to speak certain spirit languages
  • He was trained by Master Guerra, a harsh ghost who has coached many spectrals in honing their spectral abilities
  • Some spirits view Mr. Spender as the strongest spectral for defeating the single strongest spirit ever (with Mina), Fauxbia the Fear Witch
  • He fought Forge, a powerful blacksmith spirit strong enough to wield a corporeal hammer
  • He defeated King Catnine, a destructive spirit that could control storms that eventually became Isaac's spirit partner
  • Richard's been involved with the Consortium since he was thirteen, and became an official member many years later
  • Was mentored by the mysterious pyrokinetic Agent Summers (Max's mom), who had a major impact on him





  • Spectrals aren't resistant to spiritual powers
  • Richard's mind is in a delicate balance with Lucifer constantly trying to keep the Shadow at bay. It can break free when he uses his shadow powers too much, Lucifer is exhausted, or when both are in Spirit Fusion for too long. Adding another spirit for him to form a symbiotic relationship would really disrupt the balance he's trying to stabilize. So far, all that we've seen that the Shadow can do is when Richard loses his control over them, a void opens in his chest and shadowy tendrils come out to mess with people. He's still able to act and use his light powers if Lucifer isn't completely drained.
  • Working under pressure can make him act jumpier than usual
  • His habit of keeping secrets can bite him in the ass later on… like the entirety of chapter 5
  • He can be overconfident and brash at times
  • To Lucifer, the fact that Richard clings to his emotions so much is his greatest fault, and all of his mistakes and other flaws stem from it. Lucifer's haunting berating of this perfectly sums it up.

Matchup Potential

Mr. Spender vs Jones (Gunnerkrigg Court)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

Both are secretive and enigmatic teachers from webcomics who work for supernatural organizations. Both are shockingly capable fighters with supernatural abilities others cannot begin to comprehend. While Spender is bombastic and over-dramatic, Jones is completely emotionless and deadpan.

Full disclosure, I have not read Gunnerkrigg Court yet and it'll likely be a long time til I get around to it. My readlist is organized by pagelength, and it's currently standing at the 400th longest on my list (help). The only info I can really go off of is the connections list I was provided and the info available on her VS Battles Wiki profile, which seems to match Richard's scale, even though I do wish she had more varied hax. From what I know about the matchup, it seems to work well, but maybe my thoughts will change once I read it… eventually.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

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