Saturday, October 29, 2022

StarPunch Girl Stars in DEATH BATTLE!


StarPunch Girl, the StarGod

StarPunch Girl was created by TryrushStardust, it can be read on Tapas (it can also be read on ComicFury—note that chapter 1 is different on both sites, as the central conflict is updated in the Tapas link. Would recommend reading it there, as it is also more up to date.)

DISCLAIMER: The Imgur Purge of May 2023 deleted most of the linked scans. Until I am aided in reclaiming all missing images, this message will remain here.

Welcome back to the blog! Here, I'll be discussing a character I feel has a lot of potential whose story is unfortunately likely going to remain incomplete. Many webcomic creators stop updating their series for whatever reason, and this is one of them. It ran from 2013 to 2017, with none of the creator's other series updating since then, and completely ceased communication after 2019. It's a shame, because StarPunch Girl is a really fascinating story with amazing art and cool action. How so? Well, why don't I show you?


"The creations here have modeled their lifestyle on a particular perception of Creator, citing legends that state she observed her creations from a cloud above. In living above the earth as Creator once did, the creations from this Land of Clouds hope to become closer to her presence. The creations here explain that they one day hope to attain some of Creator's "wisdom" and "grace". I do not have the "heart" to tell them Creator left potato-chip crumbs and residue in the "sacred" clouds she rested on as she's viewed her land-monkeys."

This big blue ball in space we call Earth has come a long way since its inception. What was once a giant mass of uninhabitable flames has since become a world full of diverse flora and fauna, culture, technology, and rich history. There are various faiths that ponder on humanity's inception and how everything came to be. Today, I'll be discussing one such story, which is certainly a deviation from standard belief systems' ideas.

Far out in another dimension was a young princess who lived a happy life in her kingdom. One day, her parents were killed by a knight sent by the dreaded Blackhole Boy, who wanted to steal her away in marriage. However, the knight misinterpreted 'taking her hand in marriage' as 'taking her hands,' and straight up just chopped her hands off. Her cries of anguish activated a sealed away weapon that swiftly dealt with the knight: a pair of gauntlets that became her new hands. She flew away from her kingdom to avoid Blackhole Boy's forces.

She became a cosmic traveler who ventured to another dimension to find a place to plant the seeds of revolution to fight her nemesis. Her adventuring would take her to the planet Earth. After causing the mass extinction of the dinosaurs, she grew humans like sea monkeys and watched them evolve and change over the next thousands of years. In the meantime, the mute girl would laze about and play video games and snack in her home in outer space: the StarBed. Humanity was always aware of her, and would form a religion dedicated to their creator, with traits that differed from culture to culture.

Millions of years passed, and after saving her planet from a meteor shower, the humans had the technology to personally invite her to their planet and show their appreciation for her and how far her world has come. Welcomed by a futuristic President Obama, her big blue planet has certainly grown into something special. There are underwater and sky cities, monuments modeled after her likeliness, even a sector where aliens come to reside.

Everything was going great until there was an assassination attempt by one of Blackhole Boy's spies. She knew she could not keep her secret any longer, and announced to the world the threat they were created to fight, and they were more than willing to help her.

Now, the war begins between humanity and Blackhole Boy's forces… and that is unfortunately where her story has come to a halt.

Although we may never find out how her story concludes, StarPunch Girl will be immortalized as humanity's creator and mobilizer.


Star Gauntlets

Chapter One - Page 31
The trademark weapons of her namesake, these gauntlets are her new hands. Aside from packing a serious punch.


These aren't any ol' binoculars. Yes, they're able to see things closer from far away, that's what they do. But can YOUR binoculars see detailed images of Earth from space like a telescope? Didn't think so.

Spectacles of Time

A pair of spectacles that lets her briefly see into the future.


Chapter Three - Page 14
Sometimes a lazy god's gotta take up the mantle and get to work.


Spatial Manipulation and Dimensional Travel

Chapter One - Page 01

SPG can quite literally cross dimensions by punching holes in space. In addition, her body is able to withstand being able to travel through dimensions while humans normally cannot.

Weather Manipulation

She can just do that apparently.

Immortality (Type 1)

Chapter One - Page 07

SPG never ages during the comic, having lived for thousands of years watching humanity evolve.

Electricity Generation



She doesn't need wings, simply able to soar through space using her Star Power energy.

Self Sustenance (Types 1 & 2)

Chapter One - Page 14
She doesn't need oxygen, food, water, or even sleep to survive.

Statistics Amplification

Chapter One - Page 26
She's able to do this after drinking Star Cola or rigorous training.

Heat Resistance

Chapter Two - Page 16

She quite literally goes sunbathing.

Enhanced Reflexes

When you're able to fight while dodging meteors, you surely gotta have some impressive reaction times.

Sound Manipulation

Chapter Two - Page 38
She once cried so loud she could make buildings shudder

Technology Manipulation

World Tour Entry Two: Giza, Egypt
She is able to use her Star Power to awaken technology.

Aura Absorption

One time she absorbs the aura of pharaohs of the past. It isn't clear if they are spirits or holograms, simply described as aura.

Energy Manipulation

Her energy source called Star Power can inadvertently power objects and even other people, but be wary. Absorbing her Star Power will lead to a complete overdrive, overwhelming the one who absorbed it.

Rainbow Manipulation



Chapter Three - Page 39
Later on, her gauntlets received an upgrade where she has different abilities based on the constellations shared by the main zodiac signs. Unfortunately the webcomic went inactive before all of the powers she gained could be revealed, but at least we have the following:


(Fire manipulation)
Her gauntlets turn into lion heads that can shoot fire balls.


Chapter Three - Page 44
Her gauntlets transform into durable crab claws she can extend and expand.


Oh hey, new category! None of these have official names since the series doesn't have dialog, so I'll just be making them up on the fly.

Dash Combo

SPG can tag any incoming projectiles at blinding speeds, causing them to explode

Rocket Punch

She can detach her fist and shoot it like a rocket.

Drill Attack

She's able to spin fast enough to drill through stuff, leaving a rainbow trail behind.

Rapid-Fire Blows

[insert Jojo onomatopoeia here]

Money Shot

Chapter Two - Page 15

It's like she's playing pool. Hit one thing and it'll cause a chain reaction that hits everything else.



  • She's responsible for the extinction of the dinosaurs
  • Created humanity as if she were growing sea-monkeys, resulting in a population of 6 million people that worship her.
  • Concentrated on a video game so intensely, it took half a solar system's orbit to finish
  • Destroyed a cluster of meteors headed towards Earth
  • Went through rigorous cosmic training to enhance her durability
  • Set out on an expedition across the world to see what has become of Earth after thousands of years
  • Revived long-since decommissioned ancient sphinxes, which are actually highly technologically advanced
  • Destroyed monsters and vehicles belonging to Blackhole Boy's army
  • Assisted humanity in creating a fleet to attack Blackhole Boy





  • Her Mega League card states that she has very low defense stats… but her durability training greatly enhanced it, so her lowest stat now is her middling intelligence.
  • SPG seems to run on "Star Power," an energy source she can fuel some of her abilities and even objects, but she grows weaker as she runs out. If she were running low, she'd need to replenish herself with Star Cola to regain her energy

Matchup Potential

StarPunch Girl vs Zoe (StarPunch Girl vs League of Legends)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

Connections are as follows. Both used to live out fairly uneventful lives until both came in contact with something that provided them with unimaginable powers, leading to both becoming known as renowned cosmic entities of immense strength who enjoy sightseeing the evolving world and interacting with it with childlike wonder. Both are enthusiastic, nonchalant, and adventurous, but can also be lazy and easily distracted. Also both have the same blonde to violet hair color scheme I guess.

I'd imagine the analysis for the fight would be really fun with Wiz and Boomstick having meltdowns at how shockingly powerful both girls are, along with their zany lore.

With how visually stylistic both League of Legends and SPG can be, I'd imagine the fight would have a really colorful and sparkly visual aesthetic compared to other cosmic matchups. Especially when factoring in stuff like SPG's video game text and Zoe's star projectiles. Although Zoe is fighting someone silent, I think SPG still has a clearly defined personality that can play off of Zoe's more playful and less serious attitude, which would be a big highlight in the fight. I mentioned before that this could be a cosmic battle, and I could see that being really played up in the animation. It should definitely start out in space, but I can see the fight progressing to the planet below, other dimensions, inside the sun, or even other points in time... which could probably show SPG nuking the dinosaurs again when trying to put down Zoe. There can be a scene where both are fighting in an asteroid field with SPG punching through asteroids or hitting them towards Zoe, and Zoe just destroying them with star projectiles or using her portals to redirect them at her. It could definitely end on a really high scale to show off Zoe's true potential.

And that brings me to the verdict. Yeah, Zoe should probably wipe. Zoe's one of the strongest characters in League of Legends and the feats she'd scale to should be quite above SPG's multi-cont feats. Regardless, I think it could be a really fun fight!

StarPunch Girl vs StarHopper (StarPunch Girl vs Invader: The Adventures of StarHopper and Husky)

(thumbnail by Vibe Check)

Vibe Check

Oh hey, it's a matchup here where both characters are from webcomics! Unfortunately I can't say too much about this matchup because Invader isn't in a state where it's ready to be properly discussed in VS. However, once Invader receives enough content, I could see the matchup really working out.

Connections: Star-themed space travelers with cosmic abilities who are way stronger than their colorful appearances and youthful attitudes make them out to be. Both are royalty sent away from their original worlds to fulfill a specific goal (SPG needs to cultivate and mobilize a civilization to fight Blackhole Boy's army and StarHopper needs to go on a "happiness quest" across the galaxy to discover her true purpose. Both are worshipped in worlds different from their own, but they keep secrets from their admirers that relate to their homeworld (SPG hiding Blackhole Boy's existence and StarHopper hiding that she's an asterian princess).

In terms of what StarHopper is capable of at the moment, she has her trusty star she can ride around like Kirby, she can enhance her speed and strength, has telekinesis, is able to move around in stopped time, and has the potential to rival the power of a god once she fully embraces her powers. Given how the narrative is framed, she has the potential to get to SPG's level. At the moment she's city block level, so it's an easy win for SPG. What really sticks out to me however is the music potential. StarPunch Girl has a chiptune soundtrack (Update: for whatever reason the person who made the ost deleted their Soundcloud account. If anyone is able to find an alternative source for the ost, that would be mighty appreciated) I'd highly recommend and Invader was made by synthpop and nerdcore musician Twill Distilled, who made a theme song for the series. Thus, I could see it being a cool spacey electronic track with chiptune influences.

NEXT TIME ON WCAB… whenever I feel like it

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